what are we?

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A/N: i'll upload a part tonight since i didn't yesterday 🫶

904 words

A few days later Finney is walking to Robins house, with Bruce next to him, snacks in hand. Robin had called the entire group before hand that day, asking for a group sleepover kind of thing. Fortunately, all of them could come.

"Finney?" Bruce asks, breaking the silence of their walk. "Hm?" Finney reply's. "What if it's awkward between Vance and I? I mean, we haven't talked since that night at the drive-in.." Bruce says, looking down at the sidewalk.

"I'm going to be honest with you. Yeah, it's probably going to be awkward, but guess what? There's gonna be beer he'll probably loosen up!" Finney says, grinning, holding up the pack of beer for emphasis.

Bruce just huffs out a laugh, rolling his eyes. "Yeah i guess you're right dude." Bruce says, pushing Finney by his shoulder.

They arrive at Robins shortly, everyone already being there since Bruce and Finney had been late buying the snacks. Finney just opens the door not bothering to knock, walking in, Bruce following.

Once they walk in, they are greeted by yelling. Specifically Billy and Robin. Finney and Bruce groan in unison, before walking to the entrance of the kitchen.

Vance is leaning against the counter, holding in a laugh at the two arguing infront of him. Griffin is sipping on his drink, miserable. Robin is in Billy's face, shouting at him.

"That's bullshit! There's no fucking way!" Robin shouts. Billy pushes Robin away by his chest, unamused. "I did! I won a fight with him!" Billy shouts back. Robin pushes Billy back, both of them going back and forth, yelling at eachother.

Finney has enough, and walks over to the kitchen counter, slamming the case of beer on the counter. The noise catches the attention of the two boys arguing, and both of them turn to stare at Finney.

They all sit in silence. Robin clears his throat, "Hey Finney." He says, grinning. "Shut the fuck up." Finney says, rolling his eyes, before going to sit next to Bruce at the table. "Well damn, Finney doesn't seem to be interested in you anymore." Griffin says, laughing to himself.

Robin flips Griffin off, before going to grab a beer, throwing one at Vance. "Uh well, let's go in the backyard, there's more room out there." Robin says, walking out the kitchen. Everyone follows, Bruce and Vance making awkward eye contact.

An hour passed, and everyone has had atleast 3-4 beers, calming their minds down. Griffin and Billy are sitting on the porch steps, telling funny stories. Robin and Finney are sitting on the porch, Finney leaning his head on Robins shoulder, playing with his hand.

Finney looks over to where Bruce and Vance are play wrestling on the grass, and he smiles to himself, he knew they would be ok. "Hey y'all Finney and I are going to get some food, we'll be back." Robin says, helping Finney up.

Griffin and Billy give them a nod, before the boys walk off into the house. "Uh, what are we getting?" Finney asks, letting himself be pulled into the house by his wrist. "Food." Robin reply's, throwing him a smirk over his shoulder.

Once they get to the kitchen, Finney heads to the pantry to grab a bag of chips. As he's going through the pantry, he feels hands place themselves on his waist. Finney turns around and is instantly met with Robins lips on his, Finney sighs into the kiss, putting his arms around Robins neck.

Robin drags them over to a counter, Finney sitting on it. Finney wraps his legs around Robins waist, pulling him closer. They pull back for air, and they just sit there gazing at eachother. Finney is running his fingers through Robins hair, Robin sighing at the touch.

"Hey Rob?" Finney asks. "Yeah Finn?" Robin says. Finney hesitates at first, "Um, what are we?" Finney asks, looking away from Robin to avoid eye contact. Finney feels Robin let go of his waist, and back away from him. Robin is looking at him strangely.

"What do you mean dude?" Robin asks, crossing his arms, staring at Finney. Finney feels his throat close up at the clear sign of rejection. "I mean, we kiss and stuff all the time. That's not really something friends do.." Finney says, trying not to cry at that moment.

"Oh, I don't know Finney. I really don't know." Robin says, looking down at the floor. Robin knows that he likes Finney, he's just not sure he can deal with a relationship with a boy right now. His mind tells him it's wrong.

Yeah, he knows he shouldn't literally be making out with the other boy, when he isn't even sure he wants to date him. It's not his fault, it's the worlds fault. What would people think when they found out Robin Arellano was gay, dating Finney Blake?

Robin looks back up at the other boy, seeing how his face is twisted up in sadness. "Oh ok." Finney says, getting off of the counter, and walking back out to the backyard. Robin stays there, leaning against the kitchen table.

Thoughts run through his head nonstop, bad thoughts. Robin feels his knees give out, making him drop to the floor. He looks up at the ceiling, sobbing. Why can't he be normal?

may have mistakes🫶


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