you're not so bad

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A/N: Heyy! thank you for all the love on this story!🫶

Finney wakes up, groaning from the sun entering his room through his curtains. He looks over at his clock, and it's 11:38 am, it's Saturday. Finney remembers that he has to go to Robins today, and smiles a bit at the thought. He gets out of bed and walks to the kitchen, going to make frozen waffles.

Gwen is watching TV in the living room, "Well damn, you're alive." She says, rolling her eyes. "Good morning to you too asshole." Finney reply's. "I'm going to a friends later, so it'll just be you here. That ok?" Finney says, spreading butter on the waffles. "Yup, that's fine." Gwen reply's, shoving m&ms in her mouth.

Once Finney is done with eating he heads to the bathroom to take a shower. He finishes 15 minutes later and begins to dry off, looking at himself in the mirror. Finney has always looked bland, no personality in his looks.

His hair is a shaggy mop of brown, and his eyes are a dark brown. He has a slop shaped nose, and medium filled pink lips. He has a scar on his eyebrow, from a hard beating from old bullies. His face is defined, and jawline is sharp. He's also a twig, no fat or muscle, just bone.

Finney sighs, tying a towel around his waist, and heads to his room. He picks out a simple outfit. An AC/DC shirt, with a pair of blue baggy jeans. He throws the clothes on, and reaches for his walkman, putting the headphones on his head. It's only 1:07, he has time to burn.

Finney slips on his converse when it's time to head to Robins, and grabs his backpack with studying materials. He then starts his walk to Robins, quietly singing lyrics to a song he likes.

Finney knocks on Robins door, and it opens a few seconds later. "Hey Finn! I like your shirt, i have one myself." Robin says, moving to the side to let Finney in. "Thanks." Finney says, walking in.

They just stand there awkwardly for awhile, Finney observing everything. He mostly looks at Robin though. The other boy is wearing black sweatpants, and a white wife beater. His hair is out of his face, being held back by his black bandana. Finney thinks he looks good, even then.

"Well room?" Robin says, breaking the silence. "Oh, yeah." Finney says, following Robin into his room.

Finney looks around, it smells a bit like weed and cheap cologne, but he doesn't mind. There's posters of bands and horror movies, and his desk is a disaster, same with his bed and dresser. Finney thinks it fits Robin though, the whole messy thing.

Robin plops down on the floor, patting the space next to him, motioning for Finney to sit. Finney does, and begins handing Robin the stuff he needs for studying. They immediately get to work.

Hours pass, and it's already 6pm. Studying was long forgotten about an hour ago, and the 2 boys were both just laughing and talking.

"You're insane! Why the fuck would you destroy their mailbox with a bat?!" Finney asks , laughing. "They were racists assheads! Those hijo de putas!" Robin reply's, laughing as well.

They both calm down from laughing, and just sit in comfortable silence. They are sitting side by side on the floor, shoulders touching, staring at whatever is around them. "You know, you're not so bad Finney Blake." Robin says, looking over at Finney.

"What makes you say that?" Finney asks, looking at Robin aswell. "Honestly, I thought you would be a prissy asshole when i first saw you. But you're much better then that." Robin says, smiling at Finney. Finney smiles back, holding strong eye contact with Robin.

Finney notices how close their faces are, and looks away, cheeks heating up a bit. Robin looks away aswell, sighing. "What?" Finney asks, referring to the  sound the boy made. "Nothing Finn, nothing your pretty little head has to worry about." Robin says, flicking Finneys forehead.

Finney just laughs, swatting Robins hand away. "Hey i gotta get home, my sisters waiting for me." Finney says, beginning to gather his stuff up. "Ah, okay. I'm sad our time together has to end, my dearest Finn." Robin says, laughing. Finney just rolls his eyes, laughing aswell.

Robin walks Finney out to the front door. "Ill see ya on Monday Rob." Finney says, winking at the boy, before walking down the pathway. Robin just smiles like an idiot at the nickname, "Bye Finn!" Robin calls out, before walking back inside.

Finney just smiled the whole time while he was walking home.

may have mistakes🫶


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