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A/N: hey assheads, sorry for not uploading for like 4 days. I was just being lazy i guess and yeah.💀 This chapter kind of sucks but it's whatever.

648 words.

The next morning, Finney wakes up, groaning. It's a Friday so he should be in school, but decided to take the day off because of the little situation he has going on. Speaking of "the situation", Finney looks down towards the floor from his bed.

Robin is snoring, hair in mouth. Finney makes a face at the sight, before getting up, and standing above Robin. He kicks Robins side, making the other boy jolt awake, letting out a cry. Robin sits up, scowling at Finney, and rubbing his side.

"Get the fuck up. I have to change your bandages." Finney says, walking out of the room. Robin rubs his eyes, before following the boy.

Robin sets himself onto the sink, letting Finney change the bandages. "Your hands look really fucked up dude." Finney says, bringing them close to examine them. "Yeah, thanks for telling me asshole." Robin says, rolling his eyes.

They finish a few minutes later, now heading to the kitchen. Finney grabs granola bars for him and Robin, too lazy to make actual breakfast. Finney sits up on the counter, while Robin leans against the one across from him.

They eat their food in silence, even when they finish they just sit there.

Robin clears his throat, "So um." He starts. Finney looks up at him, staring dead at him. "Yeah?" Finney encourages. Robin just stays silent, not knowing what to honestly say.

Finney let's out a huff of annoyance. "Why did you say that stuff to Vance and Bruce. Calling them faggots?" Finney asks.

Robin shoulders tense up a bit, "I really don't know, i guess i was projecting my bad thoughts like out loud? I don't know how to explain it. I was being kind of a hypocrite, if you think about it." Robin explains, looking at Finney.

"Yeah you were being a hypocrite. That was fucking weird of you to say that day. Yesterday, when you told me about you sleeping around and "experimenting", what did that mean? We're you trying to figure out your sexuality or something?" Finney asks.

Robin just nods along, "Yeah i was trying to figure that shit out. I did by the way." Robin says, looking out the window behind Finney.

"What did you figure out? You don't have to tell me if you don't feel comfortable by the way." Finney says, sending him a barely there smile.

"Well i'm uh, pretty sure i'm gay. But that's not really important is it?" Robin says, looking into Finneys eyes. Finney can sense the other boy wants to change the subject, so he does.

"Do you wanna get out of here?" Finney says, getting off the counter. "Oh, yeah, sure." Robin says, kind of confused. "I'll let you borrow some clothes come on." Finney says, walking out of the kitchen, to his room. Robin let's out a breath he didn't know he was holding, and follows after Finney.

- - -

Hours pass, and both of the boys are feeling the happiest they've been in a long time. They went around town, stopping at the grab-n-go to mess around with the pinball machine. They went into so many stores, and just messed around.

Now, they are walking back to their homes.

"That shit was crazy. You almost beat Vance's high score dude!" Robin exclaims. "Yeah, I guess i did almost beat him. I'm glad i didn't though, he would have thrown a tantrum if i did." Finney says, laughing a bit.

They approach the place where they split up, their conversation coming to an end.

"See you around Robin." Finney says, shoving Robins shoulder, before walking off. Robin just sighs, walking off in the opposite direction.

may have mistakes.


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