IT Head: Sir, sir....sir....

Akh: Yes sir, speak and I m listening. I don't have more time.

IT head stayed quite and Akhil pushed back his chair and locked him by pushing his face on the table and gave him a hard punch.

Akh: Tell me for whom did you do this. Even if I know the answer I want to hear it from you.

IT Head: Sir, I don't who is that person. I received a call and they sent me more money to my home and I was greedy to do as they said. Please forgive me.

Akh: How long have you been doing this and don't tell me you didn't know the person behind this.

IT head: This is the first time sir. and I promise I don't who is it. A lady spoke over the call and gave me commands to do.

Akhil grabbed him by collars and punched him until he fell unconscious.

Akh: Hand him over to police and inform commissioner to deal him unofficially. 

Kab: So then its not Naren is it ?

Akh: What if he had set some one to work for him. Why is that bastard behind me like this ?

Kab: Its clear he is our business rival and is doing everything to get us down or remove us from the industry.

Akh: check if he is causing troubles to other firms too. If this is purely business then We will handle in that way if something else we need to find what he is upto.

San: Don't think too much. He is your opponent in racing too and that is why he is behind you.

Akh: If you say so still do a check. I don't want to take any risk with him.

Akhil moved to his room and saw Jhanvi sitting on the couch. He slumped on it resting his head on her lap and his face buried in her stomach.

Akh: What are you doing, we are in office and what if someone enters ?

Akh: No one dares to enter without my permission except for the two idiots. Still you need not worry because I locked the door.

Jhanvi relaxed and caressed his hair and saw him visibly relaxing.

Akh: Feels so good to be in your embrace. Feeling like running away with you leaving everything behind. Just you and me without disturbances.

Jha: We are alone at home without disturbances.

Akh: Even now we are alone and no one will disturb.

He removed her tucked shirt from her pants and kissed her navel. His hands roamed carelessly on her bare back grazing the edges of her bra.

Jha: Akhil, please I m scared if someone might watch us.

Akh: No one will watch. Our room is completely a private one. So just relax angel. Its been a tiring day since yesterday.

Jha: I m here just for a day and you could not keep your hands to yourself and what will you do when I continue working here for you.

Akh: Simple, we will work, relax, rest then work, relax , rest and it goes on.

He pulled her face closer and started kissing her lips. They were engrossed so much that the continuous knocks went unheard to both of them. Few minutes later Jhanvi jerked to the loud banging and pushed him from her lap.

Akh: Yendi nalla dhane pochu ? ( Why darling, it was going fine right ?)

Jha: Akhil, some one is at the door banging for a long time.

She adjusted her dress and hair and sat straight with the mask on while Akhil set his hair and switched the door to open. Mayuri came in with an annoyed face and saw Jhanvi on the couch scrolling through her mobile and Akhil was in his seat looking at files.

His Angel in Disguise (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now