"How did you all react when you found out?"

"We worked for Adriano actually."

"Wait what?"

"Well we worked for his father back when he was alive and in charge. When Ade took over he became our boss that's how he and I got close. He and Karla had a relationship way before, when he was a child."

"Very true," Karla chimed in. "Roberto DeLuca and my husband were old friends. My husband wasn't a big part of his organization. He would just help out here and there. Roberto would always come to our shop with his two boys to have lunch everyday when they'd visit the states. Alice didn't visit very often but when she did it was always a pleasure."

"Yea their history go way back to diaper days." Camilla said.

"As the boys got a bit older, Roberto started teaching and training them so they'd be ready when it's time to take over the business. I was their caretaker whenever they came to the America."

"I'm hearing a lot about his brother but I have no clue who he is." I said a little confused.

I know Adriano said they weren't on good terms but I wonder how bad it was.

At the mention of his brother Karla's face fell. She wore a sad facial expression.

"Those two were inseparable growing up but unfortunately after their dad died they drifted apart. Adriano will tell you more when he's ready."

As I was about to comment I heard a upbeat voice coming through the door.

"Did y'all miss me?" A tall brown haired guy walked in with the cheesiest smile on his face.
Another guy walked in behind him, he was more reserved. They had similar features so I assumed they were siblings.

"Dario! Alessandro!" Karla said in joy. "I haven't seen you boys forever, come here you two." She walked over to them and gave them hugs.

Lucas and Camilla both went over to greet them as well.

"Where's Lorenzo?" Camilla asked.

"With the wife and kids." The brown haired younger one said.

"Wife and kids!?" Karla exclaimed.

"Yes, he has a girl and a boy. Luna and Luca." The older guy said.

"You three have no manners, who's gonna introduce us to the lovely lady?" The younger one said and Camilla rolled her eyes.

"Arya, this is Dario and Alessandro, really good friends of Adriano and ours. There's a third one, Lorenzo but apparently he's living the dad life now. Alessandro and Dario this is Arya, she's our new worker." Camilla introduced.

"Hi, it's really lovely to meet you both." I waved.

"Arya you are breathtaking." Dario complimented.

"Thank you Dario." I smiled.

"It's nice to meet you Arya." Alessandro greeted. His phone started to ring and he excused himself to go answer it.

"So, Arya..." Dario started to smirk.

Lucas just shook his head with a smile and went back to the kitchen.

"Don't even bother, she's taken." Camilla said.

"Oh yea? By who? I bet I can take him."

"You can try." Came a voice I knew all too well. Adriano and Alessandro came inside together.

"Wait..." Dario turned to look at Adriano then to me. "Damn."

Adriano came over lifted my chin and gave me a kiss.

"Alright now, it wasn't that serious. Nobody's taking her." I heard Dario's voice behind us.

I snickered against Adriano's shoulder. I liked him, he's funny.

"I'll be home late today, but at the end of your shift I'll be coming to pick you up, get you some food and take you home."

"You don't have to go out of your way, I know with everything that's going on, you need to give more attention to your business."

"You're a big part of my life amor mio and I'm going to spend as much time with you as I please." He kissed my forehead.

"Yuck! I don't know who's worst. You or Lorenzo." Dario gagged.

Adriano flipped him the bird as I giggled.

"I hope I get to meet the third man of your trio one of these days." I commented.

"Our third man comes with his own army. A bounty for a wife and assassins for kids." Dario replied.

Alessandro was eyeing me the entire time. Like he was trying to figure out something. I won't lie and say I'm not nervous because I definitely am.

Ale tapped Dario's shoulder and pulled him for a chat. My stomach was doing flips in my ass.

Is my cover blown?

Did I get caught?

As Ale and Dario were conversing, they looked at me from time to time.

"What's happening with those two?" I asked Adriano.

"If you try to understand Dario And Ale, you'll drive yourself mental."

Just then, they both walked back over to us.

"Arya, may I ask your last name?"

"It's Cane, why?" I asked curious to know what the fuck was happening.

"Do you have any Johnson's in your family by any chance?"

My mother's maiden name is Johnson but I definitely wasn't going to let them know that. I'd risk getting caught.

"Do you know someone named Samai Johnson?"

"No, I don't."

"Lorenzo's wife?" Adriano was the one who looked completely confused now. "What's going on?"

"Arya and Samai have a strong resemblance." Ale spoke. "Maybe they could be related or something."

"What?" Adriano asked. "She does not-" He stepped in front of me and accessed my features. "Oh..., a slight resemblance."

"They could be related, Samai was an orphan."

"And so was Arya." Adriano mentioned.

Alessandro and Dario perked up hearing that I was also an orphan.

"I don't think me and this Samai person are related, lots of people have similar features. Doesn't mean they're related. It's just a coincidence."

Plus I'm not an actual orphan.

"Ale and Dario drop it, this might be too much right now." Adriano said to his friends then wrapped his arm around me. "I'm sorry if we overwhelmed you amor."

"We apologize for coming on too strong." Ale said.

"No it's okay," I reassured them.

Dario walked behind the counter where Camilla stood. He opened up the glass case and started filling a small tray with baked goods.

He slapped two hundred dollar bills on the counter and walked back around. He picked up a muffin and took a bite.

When he noticed all eyes were on him, he stopped in his tracks.

"What!?" He asked everyone. "Want some?" He held out the muffin he was already eating.

Undercover Desires (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now