Chapter 31: Fighting the Whole Ocean

Start from the beginning

Wyatt raised his hands into a guard, (he wasn't about to be caught by surprise by such a cheap trick) when the feeling of being watched he always got when Omni was looking at him seemed to grow exponentially. He almost dropped to the ground himself in surprise. The feeling was so strong it almost overwhelmed him. It was strange, it was never a sense you get on purpose. It didn't hurt per say. It was just the same feeling you might get when you think you might feel someone's gaze at lunch. Normally, you might get the feeling while you are in a crowded place or more freakily, if you are all alone, but one does not normally get the feeling when making full and clear eye contact with another person. And certainly not this strong. His brain was almost screaming at him that he was being watched. Of course, he already knew, but his brain was insistent.

Maybe he should just head towards the door, Wyatt wondered to himself. He had what he needed. He didn't even really need to fight Omni in the first place. All he had to do was take the phone in his pocket to Lt. Davis and he was done.

He was about to take a step towards the apartment's paint-chipped door when he heard footsteps coming down the hallway. Could they be police? Wyatt hadn't heard any sirens. This building didn't seem the type to call the police into it. Would that mean trouble for Lt. Davis if Wyatt was seen here?

He just managed to jump back out of the way as the door exploded open again this time with yet more Omni copies streaming through the door. They had an as varied dress as the last ones to come in had been. Some were still clad in Omni's trademark tight grey suit, though a few had taken off their jacket and tie.

Four, Wyatt counted. No, five. Maybe six? He wasn't sure. Luckily, these seemed to lack the usual groupthink as the others had, taking time to look around the room as if they were anyone who had wandered into a fight and didn't know what was going on and not identical copies of a short buff Filipino boxer.

Wyatt looked back at Original Omni but the man's face was wracked in a rictus of concentration. He drew breaths heavily.

Was he... calling for more copies? How many copies could the guy have? Already in the room they had something like ten or eleven Omnis. Just how many clones were there? And more importantly, how was Wyatt supposed to fight the ten or eleven dudes here now let alone more?

Already, the new clones were starting to get their bearings, a few helping up the clones that had fallen before while others quietly approached Wyatt with fists outstretched in a guard position.

How could Wyatt possibly fight a seemingly never-ending supply of Omnis? He had to do something, every second he waited could mean more Omnis coming to through the door. He would have to work fast. Heading towards the door again was out of the question, that's where all of the Omni's had come from. He'd have to go for the window. But he'd have to push back the herd of pursuing Omnis before he made a mad dash for it.

Wyatt ducked out of the way of a right cross from an Omni in a heavy winter coat just as another Omni threw a low kick to Wyatt's right shin. It wasn't a great kick, it was obvious from the kicking Omni's awkward recovery back to his regular stance that he hadn't meant to hit Wyatt quite like that but it didn't stop Wyatt's whole brain crying out in pain. Apparently, you didn't need a hivemind to overwhelm someone with multiple shots at once when you outnumber someone ten to one.

Wyatt could feel himself getting discouraged as he dodged and blocked hits from the various Omnis. He was stronger and faster because of his powers but, if the Omnis had enough numbers, they could wear him down.

How could you beat someone who you knew that given enough time could utterly defeat you?

Wyatt was used to things with him being the inevitable victor. Normal people could only do so much against Wyatt. Barring lucky shots, he would normally come out on top. Wyatt hadn't had a loss against a normal person since... how long had it been?

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