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 The second Professor McGonagall said Yule Ball, all Gemma felt was dread.

It was fourth-years and up only, but still, that was still the other half of the school, which meant she had to find a dress, make-up, jewellery, shoes, and...

...a date.

Just that alone almost sent Gemma into a panic attack.

Who in the bloody hell would ask her?

Her mind immediately went to Fred.

Her face went red at the thought.

Would he ask her? He almost kissed her the other night, right?

Professor McGonagall had held Harry back for a moment while she, Ron, and Hermione waited in the hall.

Gemma stared at a single point, trying to calm her racing mind as she spun her ring violently around her finger.

Hermione elbowed her gently, giving her a worried look, "What's wrong?"

She gave her friend a look that said, You're really gonna ask me that?

Hermione gave her a small reassuring smile right before Harry came out, looking disgruntled.

"What's your damage?" Gemma asked at his scowl.

"I have to dance."

She blinked, "Huh?"

"I have to find a partner and dance with them at the Yule Ball. It's some kind of tradition for the champions."

Gemma couldn't help but look at Hermione and snicker.

Boys are so dramatic.

"Oh, Harry, don't worry. You'll find someone. I'm sure of it," she said, linking arms with him. "You're the Boy Who Lived. Girls will be falling at your feet!"

Girls were, in fact, not falling at his feet.

Gemma was pleasantly shocked at how weird girls were around him and Ron.

But also, he was an awkward fourteen-year-old and wasn't really making it any easier on himself. It took about a week for anything to actually start happening, and then girls began to ask him if he wanted to go to the Ball.

Gemma had rolled her eyes at every story they boys told her.

She, however, was anxious about all the things.

Would anyone ask? Would she find a dress? Would she even go?

She was also stressing over the fact that she didn't have time to stress about such things.

She had school.

She needed to make it to the holidays before she could do anything.

To be honest, all she wanted to do was go home for Christmas.

To her father's manor with all his books, her own bedroom, and the nightly cup of hot chocolate they had together by the fireplace.

But she had gotten a letter from Professor McGonagall saying that her father wanted her to stay for the Ball, and then they would go on.

The whole situation was probably going to be a little suspicious.

Especially because of the Boggart incident the year before.

She still got looks from people.

Oh, if only they knew...

Gemma also was planning revenge against Rita Skeeter, who was fishing for things about Harry and sometimes her that she could twist and morph into a stupid story for her paper. Poor Hagrid just wanted to talk about his creatures, and the woman wouldn't shut up about Harry or Gemma. This whole situation brought on a spiel making fun of Snape, which Gemma heartily enjoyed.

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