- c h a p t e r - t w o -

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    She wanted to die.

    Okay, that was an overreaction, but at the moment, she felt like she might die.

    She was dressed in a pair of second-hand overalls, a long-sleeve dark green waffle-knit shirt, and her converse hightops that she refused to replace. Then to top it all off, her super ugly purple sweater Mrs. Weasley had made and ended up not liking her coat.

    It was freezing in the mornings, and the fact that she was half-asleep and in desperate wanting of her bed, she had to have warm clothes.

    Mrs. Weasley had woken her, Hermione, and Ginny up.

    At first, Gemma was annoyed that she had been woken up, but then she remembered why and she had sluggishly thrown back her covers and basically fallen out of bed, nearly knocking herself out again from the rafter above her.

    She had thrown the rest of her stuff, including the last two vials of bubblegum pink hair potion, her trunk, and her quilt, into her trunk before trudging down into the kitchen with her best friends.

    Everyone else looked equally as exhausted, but when George looked at her and said, "You look like you just regurgitated by a Hippogriff," Gemma almost punched him.

    "I will literally make you go bald for a month if you don't shut up," Gemma threatened.

    His eyes widened because she had actually done that to him for three days over the summer, and he did not want to go bald again.

    "Why do we have to be up so early?" Ginny asked no one in particular as she sat next to Gemma at the table.

    "We've got a bit of a walk," Mr. Weasley admitted.

    "Walk?" Harry raised his brows, his green eyes a little bloodshot. "What, are we walking to the World Cup?"

    "No, no, that's miles away," Mr. Weasley chuckled. "We only need to walk a short way. It's just that it's very difficult for a large number of wizards to congregate without attracting Muggles' attention. We have to be very careful about how we travel at the best of times, and on a huge occasion like the Quidditch World Cup..."

    "George!" Mrs. Weasley shrieked suddenly, making every sleepy person flinch and jump in their seats. 

    "What?" George shot back in an innocent voice that obviously was fake.

    "What is that in your pocket?"


    "Don't you lie to me!" Mrs. Weasley pulled out her wand and pointed it at her son's pocket. "Accio!" When she snatched the colourful wrapped candies from the air, her face turned as red as her hair, "We told you to destroy them! We told you to get rid of the lot! Empty your pockets, go on, both of you!" When neither of them listened, she just shouted "Accio!" about fifty times.

    Gemma was too tired to even really be paying attention as she sluggishly ate her breakfast.

    "We spent six months developing those!" Fred snapped at his mother, his face pulled down in a deep scowl.

    "Oh, a fine way to spend six months!" she shrieked. "No wonder you didn't get more O.W.L.s!"

    Gemma winced at the jab then and opened her mouth to say she had helped the twins, but Fred caught her eye and shook his head, subtly telling her to shut up.

    So she did.

    Nobody was necessarily happy when they left the house, but Gemma was able to have a decently quiet walk as she stuck with Ginny and Hermione.

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