- c h a p t e r - t h i r t e e n -

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   Gemma's heart stopped, H-How?!

   Harry's hand found hers under the table, his green eyes widening significantly as her grip tightened.

   Especially with the icy silence that turned into a tsunami of angry voices that filled the Great Hall as every eye swung towards their table.

   "I didn't put my name in," Harry addressed everyone at the table who was staring at him at the table. "You know I didn't."

   No one answered.

   Professor Dumbledore's voice made Gemma jump as he ordered, "Harry Potter! Harry! Up here, if you please!"

   Hermione stood, grabbed Harry by the front of his robes, and pulled him to his feet, "Go on."

   Gemma gave his hand one more squeeze, hoping he would hear her unspoken message.

   No matter what this is, I'll be by your side the whole time.

   He gave her a frightened nod before practically stumbled to the front, moving through the sea of pissed students and into the door behind the teachers' table, following the rest of the champions.

   Ron was practically shaking with anger across from her, slowly turning to glower at her when Harry vanished from view.

   And that's what she felt the rest of the accusatory stares from the rest of the table.

   Most people were upset, and some looked disappointed, but to some extent, Gemma was now the target of their anger and frustration because Harry had vanished.

   "Ron, he didn't—" Gemma, her breathing slightly uneven, tried, pleading with her redheaded friend.

   "Don't!" Ron hissed at her, his eyes flashing dangerously, making her flinch. "You probably helped him, didn't you?! Should have seen that one coming! You wouldn't help the twins, but you would help him!"

   It was like a slap to the face, How could he?!

   "No! I didn't!" She snapped back at him, frowning deeply at his harsh words. "He didn't put his name in!!! And I didn't help him! How could you say things like that?!"

   "Because you favour him above me and 'Mione and the rest of your friends! We become nothing when it's about Harry! Why should this be any different?! You and your stupid excelled work in Potions, you probably figured out how to bypass the line and get him in!!!"

   Gemma was done.

   She was so done.

   Slamming her hands on the table, she stood, and her voice was cold and sharp, "Ronald Weasley, you are being the worst possible friend ever known to anyone on this stupid planet!!! And don't you dare try to turn this back on me! I have done nothing wrong and if I could, I would take the place of every champion so they wouldn't have to go through the trials!!! But I would never ever help anyone get in because of the possibility of DEATH IN THESE STUPID GAMES!!! SO LEAVE ME ALONE, OR I SWEAR TO YOU WILL REGRET IT!!!!"

   She pushed away from the table, and everyone standing in her way parted as quickly as they could, her aura of rage and power falling over everyone.

   She made it to the hallway, where someone stepped into her path, causing her to run right into their chest.

   Lifting her burning eyes, she met the gaze of Professor McGonagall. Gemma could feel the burning gazes of everyone behind her, still staring after her, and the Transfiguration teacher immediately swept her away.

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