Neeman was in the drawing room with two attendants. His face brightened once he saw Mo. He demonstrated a curled posture, placing his horsetail whisk on his elbow.

"Greetings, Your highness. His Majesty summons you to the palace now." Mo dropped his jaw to reciprocate the respect.

"I'll be there right away." When the envoy left, he whispered to his guard. "Come with me to the palace."

When he was ushered into the king's study room, he was surprised to see his brothers standing in front of the king who was busy going through a book.

"Mo greets father." He bowed. King Elead glanced up quickly as if he just noticed Mo.

"Ah, here you are." He dropped the book on the table. "Don't get startled. Your brothers were also summoned by me." Without warning, a bout of intense silence came, luring the princes to swap nervous gazes. King Elead was busy fishing out some pamphlets from the stack of books on his table reluctantly as if all was well.

"I'll cut to the chase." He finally broke the nerve-racking whist. "Mo, some officers have been disturbing me with memorials, all demanding for your impeachment with elaborate reasons." He raised his hand over the pamphlets. "These are the memorials. I know you do not want to read them. It's clear cut that the officers are mounting pressure on you as far as your post is concerned. What do you intend to do?"

Mo gulped on hearing the question. He felt as if the whole world was on his shoulders. That moment, a feeling of loneliness surged within him. Nature had been his companion until he was introduced to this goddamn political struggle.

"Father, you assigned me to the post. Shouldn't you take responsibility?" To him, he had nothing to lose even if his post was taken away. He would go back to his former life.

"I don't quite understand. Are you blaming father for trusting you to protect the people? This is your country for crying out loud. You can't be feeling indifferent everytime. Please, learn to look at the bigger picture." Karick cut in innocently. Mo brought his gaze to his brother, face revealing what could be called a partial smile. But on a closer look, those lips that were curved wasn't intended to reveal a smile but resentment.

"Karick, you may never know. I don't believe in divination. Doom? I believe that the fate of Liz is in our hands. We can make the nation stand firm together instead of panicking over an unprecise divination."

Bergwain tilted his brows down and answered with a sidelong stare at Mo.

"Mo, be careful. Your statement is an indirect disrespect to the state preceptor."

"How can someone of such a nature and attitude protect a whole nation from doom? Talking about working together to stabilize the nation, do you mean those times you spend touring about?" Karick said without facing Mo. He was bent on emphasizing on the inadequacy of Mo.

Mo spared Karick a glance before returning his vision to his father.

"I apologize for my inadvertent offence. I have no intention of disrespecting the state preceptor." His eyes stared earthward for a while to show his remorse. He then raised his face and fired back at Karick.

"I love touring. You love women. Do you have a problem with that?" Karick was good at nitpicking his rivals. He could only retaliate by using his method on him. Karick turned his head to glare daggers at Mo while Bergwain let out a lopsided smirk.

King Elead chuckled. The purpose of telling Mo about his unpleasant circumstance was to test his mindset and see his decision in the midst of pressure.

"I assigned you to the post and if you're underperforming you should be the one to take responsibility. It's just the same with the ministers. If they perform below expectations, they'll be the ones to take responsibility. Well, I know what you mean by me taking responsibility is to remove you from the post...or asking you to resign. You still have a lot to learn. When it comes to handling state affairs, family is but of little significance. A prince shouldn't only indulge in pleasures. He should assist the monarch in governing the country as it would serve as exemplary patriotism to the ministers. If any of you happens to sit on the throne, the rest ought to make efforts in assistance."

And from Mo, he had begun lecturing his sons. Meanwhile, He knew too well that the idea of them assisting each other was complete fables. The cursory lecture was a way he hoped to tame the rivalry.

"We understand." The princes chorused. Bergwain later expressed his thoughts after an untold amount of time.

"As the vice protector, I failed to subdue the rumour. Considering that we are working towards the same goal, I should have taken it as an obligation. I ask that you punish me, father." His eyes were transfixed downward. The king stared intently at him for a moment.

"mmm, that's true. As your brother's military strategist, you were supposed to aid him quell the rumour. Ergo, it's in his position to punish you." He snapped, eyes shifted to meet Mo's. He huffed and continued. "I heard of the way you ruthlessly handled the rumour. You could've shut down those businesses already. However, the patrons' businesses will not be drastically affected."

"The rumour have already been controlled. There's no need to trouble Berg for my personal matter."

"Thanks for your leniency." Bergwain genteelly replied, expressing gratitude by head gesture. Mo only smiled back without replying. King Elead finalized.

"Alright. You can go back and have a rest. Get ready for tomorrow's assembly."

Harbinger Of Doom: The Attainer Where stories live. Discover now