Kab: Fine, I think we should get some sleep before getting for presentation.

Akh: Jaan, I want you to accompany me and do presentation by yourself.

San: Yes Jhanvi only you could pour the ideas and that will really impress everyone.

Kab: I got the latest information that there will special guest to judge the presentations.

Akh: Any idea who are they ?

San: That is kept a complete secret and seems the guest did not want to create a hyper before their presence. So we need to wait until tomorrow at the meeting to know who are they.

Akh: whoever it is I believe they will do their work genuinely and our designs could beat any other deisgns tomorrow.

Ram: Shall we leave now ?

Akh: Yes, but Ram I want you to work for us or atleast do consultancy to make sure our datas are in a protected environment. I don't want this to happen any time again.

Ram: Sure I can do consultancy for you. First you guys finish the meeting tomorrow and I wish you all good luck to win this project.

Eveyrone left to their respective home and Akhil and Jhanvi were in the car driving to the penthouse. Akhil saw Jhanvi massaging and cracking her fingers. He kew she must be feeling extreme pain as she was sketching non stop for the past 11 hours.

Once they reached home and laid on their bed Akhil took her hands and started massaging her fingers.

Jha: Akhil, what are you doing ? Its almost morning just sleep we need a little rest before getting ready for meeting.

Akh: I will be fine and I m used to this. You sleep and I will do soon.

He later applied pain killer cream on her finger and pressed gently to soothe the pain and then joined her in sleep. 

By around 9 they woke up and got ready for the meeting. Akhil was dressed up in a three piece suit and Jhanvi wore a formal pant and shirt with mask on her face.

Jha: akhil, are you sure you want me to be present in the meeting ?

Akh: More than sure Jaan. Please lets leave now.

They had their breakfast and AKhil received a call from Kabir that he had already reached the meeting place. Akhil informed his driver to drive to the place Kabir had informed. On way he received a call from Mayuri.

May: Sir, are you on way to office ? I could not enter the meeting room and access is denied for everyone other than the general access.

Akh: I will be late to office and yes all the meeting rooms and server rooms access will be denied and I will have meeting once I am back in office.

May: Sir, what about the presentation today ? Did Jhanvi did her work ?

Akh: Mayuri, you can stop worrying about the presentation and do your routine job.

May: I was worried that she might fail you. We could have used our empolyees to atleast to try at the last time. I just wanted you to succeed in this. You took a high risk in some one who was extremely new to work in this.

Akh: Mind your words and work. Last I knew you are my PA and I m your boss.

May: Sorry sir.

Akhil cut the call and saw Jhanvi who was already staring at him. 

Akh: What ?

Jha: Is she having some feelings for you ? I mean she could literally burn me with her eyes only.

Akh: Why should I care or try to know her feelings ? She is just an employee and has to be in her limits. 

Jha: You know I have read many stories of CEOs and their PAs....their steamy romance.

Akhil caught her wrist a tight grip and she winced in pain.

Akh: Are you doubting me angel ? Don't you ever do that. How  proud I felt and enjoyed being your first I can assure you can feel the same because you were my first and would be the last.

Jha: I was just kidding Akhil now please calm down.

Akhil left her wrist and turned his face showing he was upset. Jhanvi turned his face to her and pleaded with her eyes.

Akh: I m sorry please....please...I will make it up for spoiling your mood after the meeting. Now can we be normal...I don't want to be pretty upset while presenting.

Akh: Fine, depends on how you make it up later.

Jha: So are we fine darling ?

Akhil took her hands and kissed her knuckles and winked at her.

Akh: I can never be upset with you. These eyes of yours can melt me anytime like it captured me when I saw for the first time. Always my captivator.

Jhanvi leaned on his shoulder and he kissed her hairline. As soon as they reached the destination Jhanvi put on her mask and they walked as professionals and Kabir took them to the meeting room.

Akhil and Kabir sat with Jhanvi in middle on the table alloted for them and the rest of the  organistaions were seated in their respective tables. Naren entered with his PA and head of designs and sat across Akhil's table.

Akhil saw him but ignored but his jaws clenched and he fisted his palm controlling his anger. Jhanvi saw him and eyed him to relax and he just smiled back at her. 

Once everyone arrived the executives of the firm who had initiated the tender arrived and the MC started the welcome speech.

MC: Good morning Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome you all to the final meet of the tender. Wish you all the best. As you all know you are here to present your designs for the firm who had raised the tender. So now we would like to reveal the name of the person and the firm who issued the tender in the name of the online store.

Naren: So the Digital cart online store is not the one who gave the tender notice ?

MC: Yes, the person actually wanted to get the best from the industry so Digital cart had helped them in getting this tender for them. And most importantly all your designs will be judged by the direct owner of the firm and they will join us shortly. So all the best to all of you.



Any guesses who will be the person ? Keep guessing.

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Take care and Thank you.

His Angel in Disguise (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now