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*Kianna's POV. 2 years later.*

"Oh my god. I'm seriously about to throw up. I'm so nervous right now and my hands haven't stopped shaking since I got up this morning." My voice shakes throughout me speaking. "Just breathe. I'm almost done with your make-up."  Eleanor smiles. "Close your eyes so I can put eye shadow on you." I close my eyes as the brush lightly touches my eye lid. "Guess who I just saw." Another voice comes into the bathroom. "Who did you see and who are you?" I ask. "I saw your future husband and it's Danielle. Harry looks very handsome." I smile at her comment. "Open your eyes love." Eleanor says.

I open my eyes and the girls instantly smile. "You look beautiful. And I'm sure Harry is going to agree." Danielle smiles. "Don't make me cry. I'm going to cry enough for everybody here today." "Mommy!" A little girl's voice enters the bathroom. "What's wrong baby?" I turn around and see my 2 year old daughter, Darcy, in her pajamas with her teddy bear. "You look pretty mommy." She runs up to me and sits on my lap. "Thank you sweetie. Do you want to put your dress on? The party is going to start soon." She nods her head. "I want to look like you!" I smile at her eagerness and kiss her forehead. "Okay. Stay here with Aunt Danielle and Aunt Eleanor while I go get it.


I ended up getting pregnant with Darcy a few months after Harry proposed. I was so surprised when I found out. I cried for days because I was scared that Harry might not want a baby while he is so young. He was on tour when I found out, and by the time her came home I was already 7 ½ months pregnant. At first the doctor told us that it was a boy, so we bought everything in blue, and we already had names picked out.  I ended up giving Harry the best birthday present by having Darcy on his birthday. Harry cried tears of joy when he saw Darcy, he held her and instantly they had a connection. I don't think that he's ever loved anybody as much as he loves Darcy. She is a spitting image of Harry. She has long thick curly hair, Harry's beautiful green eyes, his dimples, and his wonderful sense of humor. The only thing she has that represents me is her little nose. I love her with all my heart and she is the love of my life.


"Knock knock." Matthew pokes his head into the room. "Hi Matty." I walk up to him in my dress and hug him. "You look really beautiful. Mom and Dad would have loved to see you today." I smile and feel the tears about to flow. "Please don't make me cry." "Don't make her cry! I just re-did he make up from when she saw Darcy in her dress." Eleanor yells from the bathroom. "Sorry." He apologizes. Liam walks in with his son in his arms.

Liam and Danielle got married a year ago and had a little boy named Kyle and he's so beautiful. "Hi Kyle!" I coo to him and tickle his cheek. "He just woke up from his nap." Liam smiles. I kiss Liam and Kyle's cheek. "Don't you look so handsome Kyle? And so do you Liam. Is Harry almost ready?" I ask. "Yeah. He wanted me to check on you. Or in his words 'See how beautiful she looks.' And you do look really beautiful. He's going to be speechless. I'll see you out there." Liam takes Darcy with him and wait out in the hall. All of the bridesmaids leave the room.

"Ready?" My brother asks. "I think so." I look out the window to the gazebo where Harry proposed to me. He's standing under the flowers and the lights reminding me of that special night. All four boys by his side and on the other side Danielle, Eleanor, Perrie, and Gemma. Kyle is clinging onto Liam's leg and Darcy clinging to Harry's. Matthew starts walking me down the aisle. Harry has his back turned away from me but the other boys are all smiling at me. Matthew stops in front of the gazebo and gives me a kiss on the forehead.

Harry turns around and instantly his dimply smile sends butterflies through my tummy. He reaches for my hand bringing me next to him. The whole time the father is talking Harry and I are looking into each other's eyes, not hearing a word anybody is saying. I feel a tug at my dress, I look down and see Kyle holding up the ring I'm supposed to give to Harry. "Thank you sweetheart." I take the ring from the beautiful brown eyed boy and look back at Harry. I take a deep breath, I already feel the tears pour down my face. Harry wipes the tear with his thumb and caresses my face and brings me in for the best kiss we've ever dad in all of our time being together. Once again our eyes meet. "I love you Kianna Styles." I smile at my new last name.

"I love you too Harry."

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