Chapter 3

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My phone alarm goes off at 9:30 am, I groan and turn it off. I lay in bed for a little to officially wake up. From Harry’s room, I hear somebody talking. Did he have a girl over last night that I didn’t know about? I get out of bed and tip toe to his room and open up the door, Harry is slightly hanging off the bed, but nobody is next to him, I stand in the doorway for a while trying to see what’s going on. "No, I didn’t drink the last of the coffee." I bite my lip to keep from laughing. "What if I did though? ... But Kianna, it was just sitting there... Can you resist this face though?" I close the door and laugh to myself, he was sleep talking, weirdo. I walk into the kitchen and make a pot of coffee. "Morning." A husky voice comes from down the hall, Harry walks into the living room. I look up at him, "Oh god Harry, you couldn’t have at least put on sweats or something? The boxers don’t help very well." Living with Harry, I’ve seen him naked countless number of times, whether it was an accident walking in on him changing, or him just walking around naked like it’s the most normal thing on Earth. "Thought you would miss seeing this. What are you even complaining about, you’re not even wearing shorts under your shirt." "It’s not like you can see anything, and my shirt is long enough to cover me up. You on the other hand, I see everything." I make a motion with my hand toward his manhood area. Harry poses like a super model, one hand on his hip, his knee popped out, and his other hand in his hair, "You know you like it." He does a duck face after. I look away and laugh, "Oh my god, I’m living with a weirdo. So anyways, what are you doing today?" I ask as I plop on the couch. "The boys are coming over, what about you?" "I have work at noon." I work at Nandos, Niall always asks me to bring him back food. "That sucks." Harry walks over to the refrigerator, then looks at me and smiles, "Nice underwear by the way." He laughs. I pull my shirt down. "Stop it. Creepy."


The doorbell rings "I got it!" Harry yells from the living room. "Good! Cuz I wasn’t going to get it." I yell back from my room getting ready for work. I tie my brown tight curls in a pony tail. I take one final look in the mirror at my appearance, the scar on my neck still visible after a year. The scar is from a fight that Brendon and I got into, he got really pissed at me, pushed me into the mirror in my room, causing me to break it, glass shards to break and get lodged into my back and leave a long cut on the back of my neck going all the way down to the middle of my back. I ended up having to get 58 stitches from that. That’s why I never have my hair up in public, it’s always down. Just to hide my scars... I walk into the living room, the boys are all here. "Hi guys." I hug all of them. "Do you have work today?" Niall asks with a smile. "Yes I do. Would you by any chance want me to bring you back food?" I smile. "You know me so well, and I love you." He hugs me. "The only reason is because I bring you food." I kiss his cheek. "So, we have studio time tomorrow, you should come. We haven’t seen you in forever." Liam says. "Yea, that would be fun. I love going to the studio with you guys, it’s also a painful reminder that I sing like a dying walrus." The boys laugh. "You sure you want to come? Or are you going to be too preoccupied with your boyfriend?" Harry asks. "Don’t start." I hit his face with the pillow next to me. "Who’s your boyfriend?" Louis asks. "An ex who beat her for fun." I hit him again but keep the pillow there to keep him from speaking again. "Okay! I’m going to work now! You’re a dick Harry." I lift the pillow and hit him harder in the face. "Love you Ki." Harry yells. "Yeah yeah." I say as I walk out.

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