Chapter 19

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*Kianna’s POV. 1 month later.*

Harry and I have been dating for a month, and it’s been the best month of my life. Harry is the perfect boyfriend, thankfully not much has changed. Our relationship is exactly the same except we make out, and have sex...

The fans call us "Karry Stymore", which is actually pretty cute. As expected, I’m getting hate. I was already used to getting hate for just knowing them, so this isn’t much different, there are those supporters who I love, and the haters, who I just ignore. But it seems to bother Harry that people hate on me, he says that nobody has the right to say that kind of stuff to me because they don’t know me like he does.

When we told our moms we were dating, they weren’t surprised at all. Anne said, "It was only a matter of time until you guys ended up together." My mom said, "Your dad called it from the beginning." Well at least our families approve, and my dad would have also approved, and that means the world.


I have to babysit my 2 year old niece today, her name is Angel, and she’s my older brother Aaron’s daughter. She is the most hyper child that I’ve ever known.

Angel is running around the apartment squealing, I’m chasing her trying to get her to take a nap. "Angel, baby, come here!" I call out to her. Harry pops out from around the corner and picks her up. "Got you." He kisses her cheek and hands her to me. "Come on squirt, let’s go take a nap." I say. Angel frowns, "No nap. Harry, me and you play!" She reaches for Harry. Harry holds her hand. "No. You take a nap while Kianna and I play." My head shoots up and I look up at him. "Harry! Not infront of Angel."I try my hardest not to smile. "What are you going to play?" Angel asks. I give Harry the "see-what-you-started-look". Harry smiles. "Hide and seek." He raises and lowers his eyebrows. "Okay! Lets put you down for that nap, yeah?" I hit Harry’s shoulder as I walk away.

I put Angel in my bed. "I love you Kia." She says, it’s cute because she still can’t say my name that well. "I love you too Angel." I kiss her forehead and close the door.

I walk back to the living room and Harry comes from behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. "You scared me." I look up at him. "My bad." He moves my hair to my opposite shoulder and kisses my neck. I smile to myself, I love when he does. "We can’t do anything with Angel here you know." Harry pulls away from my neck and gets close to my ear. "We can play hide and seek in my bed. Under the covers... with all the lights off." He nips at my weak spot on the front of my neck, which causes me to moan. "I love when you moan." Harry whispers. I turn around and look at him, "You’re a freak." I lightly kiss his lips and bite his bottom lip.

I hear a knock at the door, I start to pull away, but Harry brings me back. "If we don’t make any noise, they’ll go away." He whispers. "Maybe it’s my brother coming for Angel." I walk up to the door and open it. All the boys wal in. Harry gives me a look. "Oh, hi boys." I say. "Are we interrupting something?" Louis asks, smiling because he knows he did. "Not at all." Harry mumbles. I laugh to myself, poor baby, the boys always do this.

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