Chapter 6

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*Kianna’s POV. At the studio.*

We’ve been at the studio for about an hour and a half, Niall has been keeping me company while Harry is recording.

"Can I ask you something?" "Sure, what’s up?" I sigh, "Is it bad that my boyfriend and bestfriend don’t get along at all?" I ask. Niall thinks for a while, "Well, you guys dated for 4 years right?" I nod. "Well in 4 years of him not liking Harry, yeah that’s kinda bad." I frown at Niall’s comment. "His exact words were: ‘I’m your boyfriend Kianna, you should be with me, not with another guy.’ Do you see any logic at all?" "Things will get better Kianna. Maybe Harry needs to be around Brendon a little more and get to know him." He hugs me.

My phone vibrates. "Oh for the love of god... hello?" "Come outside." Brendon says. "Wait, you’re here at the studio?" I ask. "Yes. Come outside Kianna." He hangs up. "I’ll be right back." I say to Niall as I walk out of the backdoor of the studio.

I spot Brendon is sitting on a bench. "What?" I walk up to him, extremely pissed off at him. "Why did you hang up on me when I called you earlier? I was trying to talk to you." He stands up and walks up to me. "Harry is my best friend, and I really don’t appreciate you always being so rude to him! You think of him like he’s scum, and that he’s worthless." "I’m not rude to him. I don’t like the fact that you live with a guy while we’re dating." I roll my eyes, "Oh my god! It’s not like we have sex with eachother. Stop being so damn paranoid Brendon. Do you think I like the fact that 95% of your phone contacts are your ex-girlfriends and random girls that you talk to? You don’t have any reason not to trust me, but I on the other hand do. I’m done talking to you. When you calm down, you can call me." I turn away and walk back to the studio. Brendon grabs me by my arm and yanks me back to him. "Don’t you walk away when I’m talking to you!" His booming voice shooting fear into me. He’s squeezing my arm, making it impossible to run away from him. "Stop Brendon! Let me go!" I try to push his chest away from me, he slaps my face. "Don’t fucking touch me!" "Hit me again! Harry is inside and he’ll come out here and kick your ass! My brother has had it with your ass, and he’ll kick your ass just as hard. " He gets close to my face again and grabs me again, "Shut the fuck up you stupid bitch! If he touches me I swear to got I’ll kill him and your little bitch brother." I’m in tears, from terror, and anger. "You ruined your last chance Brendon. We’re done! Over!" I yell at him. Brendon lets me go, an apologetic look comes about his face.

"Kianna, baby don’t do this. I love you, I’m so sorry baby. I’m drunk, that’s all." I look at him, I can tell in his eyes that he’s sorry for what he just did. "...Fine. God, I hate when you’re drunk." I hug him, and he holds me there for a while. "I’m sorry baby. Tell Harry I’m sorry for everything. I have to go okay?" He pulls away. "Maybe you shouldn’t drive. I’ll take you." I say. "It’s okay. My friend is parked just around the corner. I’ll call you later my love." He kisses me and walks down the sidewalk. We may fight a lot, but I know that Brendon loves me.

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