Chapter 35

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*Kianna's POV. 2 days later.*

A couple of my best friends from high school wanted to come over today and hang out considering we haven't seen each other since we graduated. They moved all throughout England, so the only contact we've had with each other is through the phone and Skype. It'll be nice to hang out with other people other than the boys.


The doorbell rings repeatedly, making me rush to the door. I open it and my best friend since 3rd grade, Melody (melody46623) and her twin sister Harmony (smileyfaceluv99) are standing there. "Hi guys!" I squeal like a total girl and hug them. "I've missed you Melody says. "I've missed you both too! We're just waiting for Hayden (BaleyAndMax) and Adriana (mystery12345y) Come in." They both walk in with my favorite thing in the world: SUBWAY!

"Oh my god. Remember every Friday after school we would go to Subway and watch films all night until 6 in the morning?" I smile at our memories. "That's why we brought Subway. Hayden and Adriana are bringing the movies. Where's Harry?" Harmony asks. The girls were  just as surprised as everybody else when Harry and I became a couple, but they love us together. "They're shooting a music video. He should be here later." The doorbell rings again. "It's open!" I shout. Two girls walk in. "Oh my sunshine!" Adriana squeals and runs up to hug me. "Hi beautiful." I giggle.  Hayden steps in and hugs me. "You've blossomed since you graduated. Our little baby is grown up." Out of all four girls I'm the youngest and the shortest. So automatically I'm called the baby. "Let us begin our movie marathon shall we ladies?"

We all gather in the living room watching "Pitch Perfect". Laughing at all the funny lines and singing along with the music. "By the way, probably should mention this... Brendon called me a couple days ago." Adriana says. I look toward her, my face expressionless. "What did he say." "He wanted to know why you haven't talked to him since you broke up with him." I chuckle at his complete arrogance. "Oh. I have no idea why I haven't talked to him. Maybe it's because he  beat the absolute shit out of me then he fought. Is he stupid? I mean really." "Obviously he doesn't think. He didn't even know you and Harry were dating. Which I don't know how that's possible." Hayden says. "My life stopped being his business when we broke up. Harry treats me 100 times better than Brendon ever did. I'm finally happy for once." A slight smile comes across my face.

"Aww! You're blushing! You really love Harry don't you?" Harmony smiles. My cheeks redden. "He makes me unbelievably happy. I never expected him to ever treat me as well as he does. He treats me like I'm the most special person in the world." Thinking about how happy I am makes me turn even more red. "Can I ask you a personal question? And you can't get mad at me for it. Have you and Harry done... things?" Melody asks. I cough loudly surprised at the question she just asked. "Did you really just ask her that?" Hayden asks in disbelief. "I'm curious!" She defends herself. "Yes. We've done things. Many times. The night Brendon and him got in a fight, we had sex. I thought we went over this?" "You told me you had sex, but not the night you broke up with Brendon. Damn. Was it good?" Hayden asks. "Oh god. I'm no longer comfortable with this!" I take a bite of my meatball sandwich to avoid further conversation.

"Want to try mine? It's really good." Adriana asks and hands me her sandwich. I take a bite and within two bites a bitter taste fills my mouth. "Oh gross! Is there mayonnaise in this?" I spit the rest of the sandwich into my napkin. "I forgot you don't like mayo. Sorry love." Adriana laughs.

The front door opens and Harry walks in. "I'm home babe." Harry turns around and laughs as he sees all the girls. "Oh my god. The gang is back together. How are you girls?" "Good." The girls reply. I get up to hug him, but he moves back. "Might not want to do that." "Why?" I ask him." "I'm sweaty. I need to shower. Bye ladies, nice seeing you all again." He kisses my forehead and walks to our room to take a shower.

"I swear everytime you move, he watches you the whole time. As if you two are magnets. You move to the left, he follows." Harmony smiles. "He's in love. Deep." Melody says.

"I'm finally in a good relationship."

*A.N. Thank the four girls who wanted a part in my story :) I love you guys. I did have to change names around because either it was already a name of a character in the story or it interfered with the future of the story.

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