Chapter 14

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*Kianna’s POV. The next morning.*

My phone alarm goes off at 9:30 in the morning. The repetitive high pitched beeping waking me from the comfort of Harry’s bed, his soft snoring waking me up time to time throughout the night. Harry groans, "Turn it off Kianna." he puts a pillow over his head and turns over. I reach for the night stand, patting down for it, finally I find it and turn if off. "I don’t wanna go to work." I grumble, not moving at all from my sleeping position. Harry moves the pillow, "We have rehearsal all day today, and a concert tonight. Wanna come?" I nod my head, still half sleeping. "Yeah, I’ll come by after work. I’m getting in the shower before I go back to sleep." I move and sit up in the bed. Harry comes up next to me and kisses me, after a few minutes I pull away shyly and smile. "I love you Kianna." Harry says. "I love you too." I quickly kiss his lips and get off the bed.

*Harry’s POV.*

Kianna gets out of bed and puts her shorts on and leaves. I lay there in my bed and think to myself. Holy crap... I had sex with my best friend, again. I’ve had sex with a few girls... but being with Kianna was different. A good different... an amazing different. My phone rings.


"Hello?" "Hey, wanna go together to rehearsal?" Niall asks. "Yeah... uh, can I tell you something?" I need to tell somebody about this. "Yeah, what’s up?" I sigh, "A couple of nights ago, Kianna went to break up with Brendon, and he ended up beating her. Again. She came back, and she had bruises all over her face, and her body. I drove to his house, I got in a fist fight with him. When we came back home, she broke down, we talked and I ended up kissing her. Then we kinda ended up having sex. Then last night we had sex again..." Niall is silent on the other end for a few seconds. "You and Kianna had sex?! Are you being serious?" I slightly smile at what Niall just said, "Yeah, and I think I really like her... would I be stupid to ask her to be my girlfriend?" Did I really just ask that? "I think I have a good idea... wanna hear it?" Niall asks. "Yeah man, what do you got?"


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