Chapter 37 Part 1

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*Kianna's POV.*

"Where exactly are we going that we had to dress nice for?" I ask. "Somewhere." Harry smiles. "Oh well that's helpful. You know, I'm really excited for this weekend. We'll have the whole cabin to ourselves, not having to worry if one of the boys are going to come into the apartment when we're doing stuff. " Harry puts his arm around my chair. "And I can't wait to be with you all weekend and do absolutely nothing but hang out with you. Hey look, we're here."

I look out the window, we're parked by the cabin, but I notice a gazebo off to the side, it's covered in flowers and leaves around the pillars purple and pink lights are streaming all over. An instant smile appears on my face. "You did this for me?" Harry smiles too. "Yeah. When you were at school I would come up here and decorate it. Surprise!" He says with a cheeky smile. "You're so sweet. Thank you babe. I love it. And I love you."  I reach over and kiss him. "I love you too. Let's get our stuff and we can eat."

We both get out of the car and get our stuff to head inside. "I'll take your stuff inside. Wait  at the table. We can eat when I get everything out of the oven." "Why can't I come inside?" Harry thinks for a while. "Uh... because it's a secret... just go wait." I give him a blank look. "Wait, what if I have to pee?" "Then that sucks." I hit his shoulder. "You're an ass. Fine I'll go wait."

I walk back to the gazebo smiling the whole time. My favorite flowers orchids are intertwined with green leaves all along the pillars, little lights are also woven into it and red rose petals are sprinkled all around the floor. Harry is showing his romantic side that not many people get to see and I love this side of him. A hand goes over my eyes. "You scared the crap out of me holy shit. Not even kidding I was about to drop kick you." Harry moves his hands. "God. After all this romantic stuff you want to be violent and harm me." I smile as he pretends that my comment actually hurt him.

I walk up to him and hug him tightly. Harry chuckles. "What's this for?" I snuggle my head into his chest. The smell of his new and delicious aftershave overwhelms my nose. "Because I love you and you're amazing for doing all of this for me." Harry kisses the top of my head. "I love you too Kianna. By the way, these are for you." I pull away from the hug and harry hands me a bouquet of white and red roses. I smile like an idiot, my cheeks instantly becoming red and hot. "Thank you sweetie."

Harry's lips crash against mine. For a while we stand there kissing but in the distance alarms are going off. I pull away from the kiss. "What's that noise?" We listen for a while. "Oh shit! The food." Harry runs back to the cabin I follow after him. When I walk into the kitchen smokes blurs my vision. "Is there a fire?" I ask. "No. I burnt the food though..." I find Harry finally and there's a charcoal black circle in the middle of the counter.

"What was that?" I ask biting my lip trying to prevent myself from laughing. "Pizza..." I burst out laughing. "Ah shit... what are we going to eat?" Harry asks. "Take out?" I suggest. "Okay. I'll order. Sorry babe." Harry tries not to laugh. "It's okay." I hop onto the counter. "You know, if you hurry and order, we can entertain each other while we wait. I smile at him. He turns around and gives me the same smug look. "Give me 2 minutes."

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