Chapter 20

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*Harry’s POV.*

Damn, the boys are cock blocking me. Again. This is the forth time since we’ve started dating. Kianna sits next to Niall and Zayn with food. I wonder how long this will take Niall? He looks at the plate of food and takes a pizza roll off her plate. Kianna looks at him, glaring at him.

Kianna hates when people take things off her plate. She’s the female Niall, she loves her food, and kills anybody who touches it. Niall lived a nice life. "Oh, you kill us because we take food off your plate, but everybody else is fair game?" Niall laughs, "I’m hungry." "You’re always hungry." Zayn says. "So, next week we’re going back to America for at least 2 weeks." Liam says. I look over at Kianna, her aqua eyes look back at me in disappointment, she looks down at her plate trying not to look at me. I knew this was going to happen...


*Harry’s POV*

Kianna’s brother came to get Angel, and the boys already left. As soon as they did, Kianna went to her room, and has been there for a few hours.

I walk up to her door and knock. "Come in." I walk in and see her laying on her bed playing on her laptop, she looks up at me and closes it. I sit on her bed next to her. "Hey Ki." She half smiles. "Hi." She look down at her hands and plays with her duvet cover, I start playing with her hands. "Are you okay?" I look at her beautiful, flawless face. "I guess... it’s just, we just started dating and I’m going to miss you... don’t make fun of me." she sighs. "I’m not going to make fun of you because I’ll miss you too. But it’s only for 2 weeks." I get on the ground and look into her beautiful blue eyes. "I know." She looks back at me and smiles. I get closer to her face and kiss her. "I love you." She whispers, her eyes still closed from the kiss, her beautiful smile making my heart flutter just a little faster. "I love you too. Do you want to sleep together... er, well not in that way. Not that I don’t want to, if you want to. But I’m not pressuring you to or anyth-. I’m just going to stop talking now." Smooth Harold. Smooth.

Kianna laughs at my fast words, "Yeah, let me change." She gets off the bed and gets a baggy t-shirt and walks to the bathroom. Every since we’ve started dating, I haven’t slept in my own bed by myself. I sleep so much better when Kianna is snuggled into me.

I see a photo album on her desk, I walk up to it and look through it. It’s mostly of us through high school, and there’s a special section just for her dad. "Whatcha looking at?" Kianna comes up behind me, she wraps her arms around my neck and lays her head on my shoulder. "Your pictures." "Yeah, I had a dream about my dad last night and I started looking through it. And then I found the pictures of us. Remember you stopped talking to me in junior high?" Kianna asks. "Yeah... I’m sorry about that you know. You were going through hell, and I wasn’t there." I lean my head back and give her a peck on the lips.

The fact that I could hurt Kianna like that, kills me. I would see her around school after her dad died, her eyes always bloodshot red from crying, she wore nothing but baggy black clothing, her hair always in her face, keeping to herself, not talking to anybody. When my friends would see her, we would avoid her. Sure I felt bad seeing her so broken up about it, but my junior high head was super cocky and arrogant. At one point, one of my friends actually spilt his drink on her at lunch, making it looked like she peed herself. The look on her face was heartbreaking. She stood up, all of the school cafeteria staring at her and laughing at her, tears running down her face, horrified. Junior high was not Kianna’s best year.

"It’s in the past and I forgive you. Why did you stop talking to me?" She asks. "I don’t know, new school. New friends." That was a shitty answer. "Oh gee, thanks." Kianna walks over the bed and lays down. "Are you coming?" She looks at me. I take my t-shirt off in a stripper fashion, Kianna turns her head to the pillow and hysterically laughs. "Oh god." Kianna has gotten used to the fact that I sleep naked. I finish undressing and climb into bed with her. She turns toward me, her electric blue eyes looking at me and her smile that could light up a town. I bring her closer to me, her hair tickling my chin, I brush my hand across her face to her chin and kiss her perfect pink lips. After a while she pulls away and snuggles into my chest. I put my arm around her and hold her close to me. "I love you babe." I whisper into her ear. "I love you too Harry." I smile and kiss the top of her head.

My baby.

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