Chapter 11

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*Kianna’s POV*

After we got back, I went to take a shower, for some odd reason that’s the time that I think best. For a while I stand under the shower head crying, why didn’t I listen to Harry? Why did I even take him back?

I get out of the shower, clean the mirror off of steam and look at my face again, my eye has turned into a dark purple that looks almost black, my torso has new bruises all over it, some blue, black and purple. The small cut on my upper lip is no longer bleeding, but it still stings. I have a few small bruises on my arms, from him throwing me against the walls of his room, and on my neck from him choking me. I quickly brush my hair, there is a soft spot on the back of my scalp I feel, I take a hand held mirror and look at it. I have a small gash in my head, thinking back I remember before blacking out that I hit my head against something hard and waking up next to the coffee table. Great. I sigh and put on a long sleeve shirt, a pair of comfy shorts and walk out of the bathroom.

Harry is sitting on the couch with ice on his cheek, looking up to keep it balanced. I sit next to him and lay my head on his shoulder, he takes the pack of ice off of his cheek and looks at me, wrapping his arm around me. "I should have listened to you when you warned me about getting back together with him, you were right about everything... and I’m sorry." Harry brings me closer to him and kisses my cheek. "This is the part where you say to me: ‘I told you so.’ you have every right to say it." "You don’t need to hear that right now. Are you okay?"

I bite my bottom lip to hold in my upcoming tears. "No. This happened before, but I still took him back. I’m that stupid girl that everybody warns not to get back with her abusive ex, but she does it anyway." At this point I’m crying really hard, I bury my head in Harry’s sholder, making his shirt sleeve wet again. "Will you hold me please? I need a shoulder to cry on." Harry grabs my legs and swings them on top of his. He puts his arms around me pulling me toward him, rubbing my back. "At least you know now not to take him back. Right?" I nod my head in agreement. Harry lifts my head up and kisses my forehead. "I love you Kianna." I wipe my eyes of my tears. "I love you too... ow, that hurt really bad when I wiped my eye." Harry laughs.

For a while we sit there, Harry playing with my shirt sleeve, and me snuggling on his shoulder. Harry leans his head back on the couch looking at me for a while, he moves a piece of hair behind my ear, we move closer to eachother, his other hand resting comfortably on my leg.

What are we doing?... Finally Harry moves, but he moves his face closer to mine. I look into his emerald colored eyes, he puts his hand under my chin, our lips are inches away from eachother .

Are we really doing THIS right now? After 18 years of us knowing eachother, we’re about to kiss?

He moves in for the kiss, Harry’s lips on mine feel... right? It doesn’t feel the least bit awkward. For a while we sit there, our lips intertwined with one another, Harry’s hands caressing my face. He’s treating me like I’m a delicate little flower that could be destroyed with one false move. I never thought that sexual tension existed between us.

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