Chapter 39: Into the Homestretch

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"Out of bounds, Gilas ball," The loudspeaker blared to a jampacked crowd.

Val Aquino, Gilas' diminutive point guard glanced at the game watch. The shot clock is now turned off because there are only 13 minutes left before the game ends with Korea up by one, 52-51. The Filipino point guard winced at the less-than-favorable situation they are now in. In the last five years, they have never won against powerhouse Korea and today's game seems to be heading in the same direction.

The shooting guard Vince Cordero struggled to get away from his frisky Korean counterpart but all his effort proved to be futile as the latter stuck to him like glue. Arnold Medina, the team's small forward tried to jostle with his Korean guard for a better position at receiving the inbound while Xavier Antolin, the team's power forward inched closer to Bryde who is looking at his gigantic counterpart wearily.

"Bryde!" Xavier called out and when the tall center looked at him, he made a gesture with his fist, implying the letter A which is a code for a particular play. Bryde nodded in understanding, his face blank and emotionless even if his insides are in turmoil. It would be a make-or-break play and he is the center of it. He started to inch closer to the basket, trying hard not to alert the Korean tall guy watching him like a hawk.

At the referee's whistle, the players sprang into action as everybody jockeyed for the perfect position to receive or intercept the ball. Xavier was able to free himself from his guard at the last minute so he was able to catch the ball that Val threw his way, he made a dribble before executing a fadeaway shot with seven seconds remaining in the game.

The ball sailed through the air as the seconds ticked by and it became more apparent to the crowd that it wasn't a shot at the basket but an ally hoop pass that was directed at Bryde who arched his body in a graceful stretch to execute his patented finger roll while his guard who tried to block Xavier rushed toward him to foil his bid to score. The ball bounced twice on the rim before swishing past the net as time expired, the final buzzer drowned by the jubilation from the crowd.

"Basket counts! Gilas Pilipinas wins in regulation, 52-53!" The announcer shouted excitedly as the predominantly OFW crowd celebrated in a frenzy of cheers and claps. Xavier held out his hand to Bryde who ended up sprawled on the floor when his Korean guard lounged at him in a futile attempt to stop him from making that final shot. Bryde smiled as the team captain pulled him up and hugged him. The other players followed suit, and everyone caught up in jubilation while Bryde felt a pang of loneliness as his heart longed for the presence of someone with whom he has shared both defeat and victory for years.

"Great game, guys!" Jewel said enthusiastically as she went straight to Bryde who was wiping his bare chest with a towel.

"Get away from me, I stink," Bryde said in his signature stoic tone as he tried to cover his chest with the towel he was using.

"No, you don't," Jewel said with a pouty face as she sidled closer to Bryde.

"Please, don't act like that. You are one of the team managers, you shouldn't be doting on me like that," Bryde said in a stern tone, his patience wearing thin as he spied the awkward glances being thrown their way by the other players.

"Says who? Who would forbid me to do what I want?" Jewel said defiantly as she rubbed her shoulder against Bryde's bare back while she looked at the other players with an arched eyebrow, silently daring them to call her out.

"Me. I feel uncomfortable with how you have been treating me. I am not a kid," Bryde said in a distraught tone as he stepped back from Jewel, trying to put as much distance between him and the woman as physically possible.

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