Chapter 23: Ball Reversal

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Ball Reversal - The term used when a basketball starts on one side of the court and is then passed to the other side of the court. Coaches utilize ball reversals to move the defense.

"Denise Crisostomo, I presume?" A bespectacled middle-aged man stood up from one of the seats when Denise pushed open the café's glass doors

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"Denise Crisostomo, I presume?" A bespectacled middle-aged man stood up from one of the seats when Denise pushed open the café's glass doors.

"Yes, I am the mother of Bryden Crisostomo. Did my son do anything wrong?" Denise asked nervously as she followed the man into a seat tucked in a quiet corner of the café. There weren't many patrons at this hour but the topic they would be discussing is sensitive so it wouldn't hurt to stay away from the crowd for now.

"Have a seat, ma'am. I am Attorney Midaz Cerveza and I am the legal counsel of Martin Koronadal," Midaz held out his hand and Denise grasped it in a polite handshake.

"What does that have to do with my son, Bryden? Was he implicated in any of this?" Denise asked bluntly. She has been battling her anxiety ever since she received the call from the lawyer. She wondered if it was those raffle scams at first but when the lawyer mentioned Bryde's name, Denise almost flew out of her office in her haste to meet this lawyer.

"Don't you know what is happening with your son, ma'am? Your son and my client got into a fight because of a man," Midaz said in a patronizing tone and Denise decided then and there that she did not like this man one bit.

"What did you say? A man? Why did they fight over a man?" Denise asked incredulously although her heart is hammering nervously against her chest. Please let my intuition be wrong. She prayed inwardly.

"Well, you see, Martin has got himself a boytoy whom your son is also interested in so they fought last Saturday. Things got heated and Martin, seeing that he was outnumbered, pulled out his gun and—" Midaz narrated lazily but was cut off when Denise suddenly gestured at the man forcefully with her palm.

"Wait! Why did you say that your client is outnumbered? My son has no brother or cousin whom he could have brought with him? And his sister is already home by that time!" Denise said furiously while trying to remember everything she knew about the date the lawyer mentioned.

"You don't understand, ma'am! Martin's boytoy and your son conspired to have my client arrested. They have friends who helped them set my client up," Midaz said in an impatient tone.

"Wait! Am I hearing things? My son conspired with your client's boytoy to have your client arrested? Why would Bryde do that? He is a good student and a good son! He wouldn't go around ruining someone's lives by whim!" Denise scoffed indignantly. The nerve of this man! How could you accuse my son of being an asshole? She thought tersely.

"What's not clicking, ma'am? Your son is gay and he wants Martin's boytoy for himself," Midaz even shrugged his shoulders as he said those words nonchalantly. Denise immediately saw red as she planted her palm firmly on the table surface earning a few curious stares from the café's staff.

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