Chapter 25: No-Look Pass

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No-Look Pass - This is an advanced pass that involves the player with the basketball looking in one direction and passing in another direction. This highlight play is designed to trick the defense.

"Are you aware of the time, young man?" Winston said the moment the front door swung open to reveal Win who looked surprised to see that his father is still up at this ungodly hour

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Are you aware of the time, young man?" Winston said the moment the front door swung open to reveal Win who looked surprised to see that his father is still up at this ungodly hour.

"We got caught up in the sudden downpour. We had to let it pass before driving home," Win stammered out a reply as he pulled at the straps of his backpack nervously.

"We?" Winston stood so fast that Win didn't even have time to blink and his father is already in front of him. Grabbing the collar of Win's shirt, the older man pulled his son close enough to take a whiff, trying to detect the smell of cigarettes or alcohol in his son's body.

"Dad!" Win protested as Winston pushed him away harshly, the old man's face wincing in disgust. Win stumbled backward, slightly wincing in pain when his hip hit the couch's armrest.

"Why are you in pain? Did you hurt yourself in practice?" Winston asked in a scathing tone as he watched Win try to find a more comfortable position on the couch, noting how his son seem to be having a hard time sitting.

"No, I just slipped in the shower," Win lied through his teeth. Damn! Does Dad know? Can he tell?

"Don't lie to me, Arwin! You did it with him, right?" Winston accused bluntly and Win felt his blood run cold.

"What are you saying, Dad?" The freshman still tried to feign innocence, but it was hard to keep a straight face in front of his father's fury.

"You had sex with Bryan's son!" Winston spat out condescendingly and Win flinched at the blatant accusation.

"His name is Bryde, Dad. And what if I did? He's my boyfriend anyway," Win stood up, holding his chin up defiantly as he pulled himself to his full height and towered over his old man.

"But you are going to leave him by the end of the sem! Don't make this harder for the both of you," Winston mumbled exasperatedly as he gesticulated wildly with his hands.

"Who says I'm leaving?" Win narrowed his eyes challengingly as he looked down at his father.

"Arwin Dave Ibarra!" Winston shouted in warning, his voice echoing across the silent halls of their house.

"I'm not running away. I'm not like the coward that you once were," Win shot back in a disgusted tone.


Winston's palm landed hard on his son's cheek and Win staggered back from the impact, his eyes glassy with hurt and betrayal. Winston furiously pushed Win down on the couch so that he towered over his tall son.

"This coward is still your father! If I wasn't a coward then, you wouldn't even be born along with your siblings," Winston tapped his chest empathically with his fist as he glowered upon the seated freshman.

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