Chapter 11: Tip-Off

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"Let the games begin," the administrator from the host university bellowed enthusiastically and it was met by cheers from all the athletes from different universities. They are all lined up according to the official colors of their respective universities. Win was wearing the signature maroon and green jacket that all varsity athletes wear. This is the same type of jacket that he had to wash for Bryde when he spilled milk on it during their first meeting.

"Win!" a familiar voice made Win look back from where he was standing with his teammates from the men's basketball team

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"Win!" a familiar voice made Win look back from where he was standing with his teammates from the men's basketball team.

"Captain Wat! You're also here!" Win said enthusiastically as he squeezed through the crowd to come closer to Wat who met him halfway and they stood beside the players of the UP baseball team, far from their teams.

"Of course, all the Fighting Maroons are here. Where's Captain?" Wat asked as he craned his neck to catch a glimpse of Bryde.

"With his date," Win muttered sulkily and at that moment Wat spied Bryde beside a tall maiden wearing a maroon dress.

"You mean with the muse for the Fighting Maroons. Bryde is not the type who would date someone he just met," Wat said in a casual tone, noticing Win's discomfort.

"But look at him being so attentive to her," Win said pointedly as he used his lips to subtly point at the eyesore at the middle of the court. Bryde was there with the UP Fighting Maroons' muse along with the muses and team captains from the basketball teams of the other universities. There was a time when muses were scrapped from the UAAP opening ceremony but since the host school preferred to have muses again this year, everybody has to comply.

"He's just being a gentleman. Would you do differently if you were in his place?" Wat said patiently, sensing Win's sour mood.

Win bit his lower lip in frustration. Get a grip on yourself, Win. Bryde and I are just teammates. It wouldn't help anybody if I keep acting like a petty and jealous boyfriend.

"Maybe not," Win conceded. Wat did make a good point.

"Piece of advice, Win. Don't overthink. If you want to know something, ask the person directly. Don't assume anything about someone, it can be dangerous and lead to severe misunderstanding," Wat said in a serious tone that Win only heard from the Captain now.

"Wow, so you are also a love expert, Captain Wat," Win said in a teasing tone but Wat just smiled enigmatically.

"We learn from experience. Also, if I were you, I would keep things low-key," Wat said in a slightly stern tone that caught Win off guard again and he furrowed his brows in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Win asked with his brows knitted together tightly and Wat leaned closer to whisper into the freshman's ear.

"It's not safe to talk about these things here. Someone might overhear and jeopardize your status," Wat mouthed to Win with his right hand cupped beside his mouth so that no one else can read his lips.

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