Zane // Emotion (smut)

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Why is it that emotion comes easily to you more than it comes to him?

Seeing you fluctuate through a range of emotions made Zane's chest pang with envy. While he saw interest in your emotions, you saw yourself as a mess, struggling by in the family. He knew he was different from you and his friends, but why should that fact stop him from feeling anything?

It just suddenly clicked in him, like a light switch. Whenever he saw you, this intense feeling always overcame him. What was it exactly? He desperately wanted to find out. He had been feeling uncomfortable for months because of you now. Why though? Why now?? He's seen you more times than he could count, and in all those times, he's never felt anything like this towards you.

He walked over to your bedroom, his feet thudded quietly on the floors. He opened the door to see you by your desk with your headphones on.

"Y/N." He spoke in his composed, robotic voice. You jumped, surprised. You snatched your headphones off to turn to him.

"I- Hey Zane!" You chirped in a pathetic attempt to try to act friendly with him. If you could be completely honest, he always scared the hell out of you. His icy blue eyes looked unforgiving at anyone and anything he looked at. His sharp features made his tall figure that much more intimidating, unlike Jay, a gentle giant.

"I would like to discuss..." His words trailed off, his cold eyes shifting to the side, as if he was thinking of something. You sat in your desk chair there awkwardly. It was 12 fucking PM. It was almost midnight.

He should be asleep by now. You were always known in the family as a Night Owl, so it was regular for you to be staying up at ungodly hours, whilst Zane always had a strict curfew on himself. Why would he be staying up at 12 PM? You thought. You began to think of rational excuses for Zane whilst he kept on thinking.

"Y/N. I would like to confess how I've been feeling towards you." He said, his calm, emotionless voice flattened the dramatic scenario playing out in your head as he said that.

"Huh.." You squinted, your fried brain trying to process his words. You didn't notice he had shut the door and sat himself on your bed, facing towards you, his eyes looked at you with intrigue.

You honestly had nothing to say. The words just didn't come. The only thing you could muster to say was an "Okay."

He propped himself and continued. "I've never felt anything like it before. Especially towards you. It makes me uncomfortable. I don't like this feeling but if I want to understand it better, maybe you could help me."

"I've never felt anything like it before. Especially towards you. It makes me uncomfortable. I don't like this feeling..." Ouch. Those words kind of hit you and you didn't even know what he felt about you.

You always felt as if you had a strained relationship with Zane. You were both kind to each other, but you two knew that some part of that kindness was forced. Lately, you've been inching to get closer to him. Maybe this could improve your relationship with him?

"Of course. What can I do?" You leaned in, a sincere look matched your voice. He seemed distracted by you for a moment.

"I want you to help me.." He paused. "..Help me understand human emotion." He leaned in, his electrifying eyes captivating you. "I want you to help me understand how humans work. How they feel. How they reciprocate feelings. Being in this world, surrounded by humans isn't enough for me to learn much." He explained.

"You're the only person I've ever felt this way about." He reasoned more. You understood everything he said, except the part where he talked about reciprocating feelings. There are many ways of doing that, maybe he was pointing out a specific way.

"Reciprocate feelings?" You questioned for a more clear answer. "Yes. Like touch or words." He replied.

His eyes suddenly brightened, a faint, subtle smile rested on his lips before disappearing. "We could practice. It would be a helpful lesson for both of us, since it seems we barely know much about the topic." He said while you thought about it.

"I'd feel more comfortable knowing I have your consent first though, Y/N."

You didn't know what he meant, so you obliged. "Yeah, I don't see the harm in it. Why not?"

Oh how naïve you were.

He patted the bed, signaling you to come. You joined him, sitting down and staring at him with a confused look. You got a better look at his face. Did he look this hot before? You mentally slapped yourself in the face for thinking that. You were intrigued by his features. You didn't notice that you shifted closer to him, his hands resting on your waist.

Your faces got closer, your body getting hotter. Your lips collided with his, his hands slowly embracing your figure. At first, you didn't know what you were going into, but looking back, you were honestly glad you said 'yes'.

You lifted his shirt up, grinding yourself against him, earning a soft gasp from him. You helped him lift up your shirt, moaning as he left sensual, deep kisses all over your neck. You gave his neck the same treatment, his moans were more audible than yours.

You began to shush him. Gliding a finger over his soft lips while you indulge deeper into his neck. You both undressed each other as he pushed you down on the bed. Your skin tingled as he gradually moved his lips lower down to your thighs, leaving hickeys behind. You groaned with his tongue exploring your body.

 "Zane.." You breathed out.

He pried your legs open, letting his tongue enter you. His moans became muffled by his mouth busy giving you head as you whimpered. His tongue teased your clit, driving you insane. Every contact with his tongue made you mentally beg for his cock to enter you. 

He swirled his tongue inside of you, putting his remaining strength into maneuvering and pushing his long tongue to reach your walls. He finally pulled out.

"Y/N..." He gasped for air. "I'd like to advance in our little lesson." He breathed, his eyes growing darker with lust. You nodded, letting your hot body cool off. "Mhm."

He let out a dark chuckle, taking out his lengthy cock. He caressed your cheek as his cock met the entrance of your sensitive V, sending a shockwave of pleasure to you. "Ahh~" You practically screamed. 

You smirked, pushing your V farther to meet his cock. "I want you, Y/N." He said, thrusting himself into you.

A/N: HAHAHAHAHAHAA YOU THOUGHT!! PART2???? It's 12 pm here and I'm so tired. I'm probably going to stay up later and catch up on my other wattpad fav stories. I'm kinda rewatching ninjago, but only a small bit of my time is actually dedicated to the series, because I have better things to do lol. HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS SMALL MEAL

also, big thanks to @Starfire988 for adding this to their reading list. I really appreciate it :)

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