Morro // Tensions (smut)

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Cigar smoke escaped from his lips, concealing his stone eyes that fixated on you. It was his favorite thing to do nowadays, torturing you just by his glare. You two sat quietly in a dark room, whilst his affiliates were out doing his dirty work.

He liked a good challenge, you were a challenge.

"Don't you have anything better to do?" You snapped, growing uneasy by his glaring.

Morro's face became vexed for a brief moment, before wrenching to an all-knowing smirk. "Yes," He simply replied.

He amused seeing your eyes narrow at him, wanting him to elaborate further. You tried to wriggle your hands out of your restraints, to no avail. You wondered how long you would have to endure this–how long before the beloved Ninja would save the day.

Secretly, you despised The Ninja, just as much as him. But there's no way you would ever admit to it, seeing as they're the only ones that can save your life right now.

"Y/N, put down the act already," His chilling voice ringed your eardrums. He spoke your name in such an intoxicating way.

"What?" You questioned. You were in no mood for small talk, let alone with him.

Morro continued, "We have so much in common, but you're too much of a coward to admit it,"

He discarded his cigarette and began striding towards you, leaning in close to you with a devilish smirk. "After all, you wouldn't want to end up anything like me."

"Was that supposed to be challenge?" You asked, finally having the courage to sear a harsh glare at him.

"Couldn't be. Because I'd already be the winner." He said so calmly, yet maliciously.

He leaned in closer, until his jet black hair barely caressed your face. You shivered at how close he was, his face became more prominent and handsome than from afar.

"You seem confident." You remarked, slightly leaning in whilst trying to dismiss the restraints bounding you tightly.

Morro's eyes tried to keep focus on your face, but would subtly sneak lower to observe your body, trailing up and down.

It wasn't so visible, but you could distinguish a slight desire and interest within his eyes.

You hoped he couldn't see the desire in your eyes too.

You hated him, but if he wasn't being such a smart ass, you'd let him take you right then and there. But nothing ever comes easy, can it?

"I'm only stating the truth." He chuckled, cornering you with his hand resting on the chair you sat still in.

"But I thought you liked challenges." You turned your head at him with a sarcastic curiosity.

A grin formed on his face, "I do." The way he said those words felt so intimate and it was driving you insane.

Morro knew how to manipulate and lull his words in such a way. You fell in so deep into his mannerisms and how he carried himself.

It felt like he was teasing you, subtly backing away whenever you got too close and you were guilty of doing the same thing.

You both felt so frustrated with each other, both wanting the other to just give up and compress their pride. You finally looked back down, exhausted of this pining you tried to run toward.

𝙡 𝙪 𝙨 𝙩 // 𝙉𝙞𝙣𝙟𝙖𝙜𝙤 𝙭 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 18+Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt