He pulled a chair as close as he could to her bed. Nicholas gently caressed her hand and gave a soft squeeze. He placed a soft kiss on her palm. Because her burns were across the upper back, doctors had to prop Kate on a special bed laying her on her stomach.

"I'm sorry this happened to you and I wasn't here to stop it."

"I'm also sorry I didn't call after that night," He continued confessing. Nicholas didn't understand why he was being so open about his feelings. Perhaps he figured Kate wouldn't remember any of this when she woke up. "After an incredible night, I didn't expect to feel the way I did," He chuckled. "But I did and I do."

Nicholas stood up. He has already been there far too long. He leaned in towards her ear. "You probably won't remember me being here, but I do care about you and I need you to wake up, baby." He placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

He stepped outside her room and immediately locked eyes with Dante. Nicholas's behavior was out of character and confused his capo. "What are we doing here?" "You do remember, we're still at war with Salvatore Luchesse." Dante reminded him. Nicholas sighed. "I haven't forgotten."

"This isn't like you, flying cross country to see a woman." "So what is this about?" Dante asked. Nicholas paused for a moment before answering. "I needed to see her, that's all." "I have, now we can leave."

As Nicholas began walking towards the elevator, he stopped abruptly. He turned towards Dante. "We won't talk about this again, capisce."

"Capisce." Dante repeated.


The skulls were still huddled at Cathedral creating a timeline on Beast's movements. Spook printed out all the files Charlie uploaded to the cloud before the Clubhouse was destroyed. Paper was littered everywhere.

"Geez, Beast started stealing from us three months after you arrived," The Unholy looked at Axle in shock. "Brother, his hatred for you runs deep," Tank chimed in.

As Spook was explaining the timeline, that's when Axle realized how much Beast hated him. It was all still surreal to him. He never imagined a grown man, nevertheless, a Skull, would do all of this out of sheer jealousy.

"Have you figured out how Beast linked up with Enzo Bianchi?" Viper asked, curiously. "Yes!" Spook reacted excitedly. "Out of curiosity, I tapped into archived security videos from Gypy's, the night you and Beast were there," Spook gestured towards Ink.

Ink moved closer to get a better view of Spook's computer screen. "You guys weren't the only ones there." Ink furrowed his eyebrows confused.

Axle leaned in to get a closer look. "What am I looking at?" Spook pointed to a group of men in the far right corner of the club. "You're looking there."

"Holy shit, that's Enzo Bianchi." Axle gasped. "Do you know why he was there?" Viper followed up. Spook shrugged his shoulders. "Looks like a night out, didn't notice anything strange."

Capone burst out laughing, practically keeling over one of the chairs. They all look at him with concern. "This shit is crazy!" "Are you telling us, Beast linked up with Enzo because they were at the same club at the exact same time?"

Spook continued to play the security tapes. Everyone watches Enzo approach the bar after Ink leaves. Then they see Beast engage Enzo in a lengthy conversation before accompanying the mobster at his table.

"Fucking unbelievable." Viper mumbled.

"One mystery solved, but it still doesn't tell us where Charlie's being kept." Axle sighed.

The skulls were stuck, no other clues standing out. "I say we bug Shelley's phone," Hawk suggested. Axle fanned his hands waiting for Hawk to elaborate further.

Axle: Savage Skulls MC Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now