Chapter 17

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Everyone was huddled downstairs after Spook alerted Axle of the bad news. "Hold up, all of it's gone?" The Unholy asked again making sure he heard Spook correctly.

"Beast wiped us out, cleared every bank account, and closed them," Spook repeated. "So, what does that mean?" Tank asked. Spook gave a solemn expression. This was going to be another devastating blow to the Club on top of an already tumultuous situation.

"We're broke," Axle answered for him.  Silence ensued in the room as the members let Axle's words sink in.

"Fuck!" Hawk shouted.  Ink grabbed a glass and threw it against the wall.  "The only money we have is what we each individually have." Priest chimed in.

"Is there any way for you all to get the money back?" Shakespeare asked.

Spook shook his head.  "Beast closed the accounts and most likely transferred the money to some offshore account Bianchi is using."

"How in the fuck did Beast become entangled with all of this?" Viper asked.

"That's one connection we haven't been able to figure out," Axle answered honestly.

Irish raked his hands down his face.  He intended to not tell his brother the situation, but he may not have a choice now.  The elder abruptly got up from his seat and headed towards the front door.

"Irish, where are you going?" Viper asked.  Irish didn't answer and walked out.  Everyone looked at each other confused.  Viper shook his head indicating he didn't have a clue what his uncle was doing.

"I think it's time we call the person Giancarlo told us to reach out to if Bianchi became too much of a problem." Capone reminded them.

Axle nodded in agreement.


"They called." Vincenzo informed Giancarlo.  "How bad is it?" Giancarlo asked worriedly.

The mob boss knew that Enzo was making a power play against Nicholas.  Unlike some of the other mafia families, Giancarlo wasn't going to murder his son.  He still had hope that Enzo would abandon this scheme.  Nicholas was going to be the don, and nothing was going to change that.

"It's bad...he ordered the kidnapping of that girl...Charlie." Vincenzo informed him. Giancarlo sighed before letting out a string of expletives in Italian. "When do you meet them?"

"In a few hours," Vincenzo answered.  "How do you want me to handle Enzo?" He asked.  Giancarlo took a moment before answering.  "Bring him home."


Axle, Priest, Capone, Viper, and Stone arrived at the location Vincenzo texted them. It was a cigar room nestled in the basement of Altura's Bar.  The men were patted down by mafia henchmen, many carrying AR 15 rifles.

They were led down a spiral staircase into an open room with red lighting and smoke flowing through the air.  Axle squinted his eyes trying to get a look at the man sitting in the back on a black suede couch.

When they approached, the older gentleman gestured for them to sit down. The mystery man waived for the waitress who carted over an array of expensive whiskeys including The Macallan M, The Macallan 64, and Dalmore 62, each ranging anywhere from $250,000 - $625,000 a bottle.

Capone was mesmerized by the display, it reminded him of his father who had a similar taste. 

"Thank you for..." Axle spoke but was waived off by Vincenzo. 

"Do you know who I am son?" Vincenzo asked as he lit up a Grand Habano cigar worth roughly $185,000 on the market.  The mystery man's opulence did not go unnoticed.

Axle: Savage Skulls MC Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now