Chapter 26

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The skulls were finalizing their plan to get the fingerprints from Stacy.  Axle was apprehensive about it but understood there was no alternative.  The black-haired vixen was the only way for them to get the money.

Charlie was not happy about the plan Capone came up with.  "Seriously, that's your plan!"

"Look, Shelly still talks with Stacy – tells her everything that's going on here, especially about Axle."  "She already showed up here once, so Stacy is still in love with him." Capone pointed to his Prez.

Axle was leaning against the bar with his eyes focused on his girlfriend.  He realizes this would be hard for her, but it was a necessary evil to achieve the results they desired, which was the $25 million.

"So, the plan is for Axle to have a public breakup with Charlie."  "Shelly will go back and tell Stacy."  "Then Axle will drown his sorrows at Calypso Bar, where little miss harlot likes to frequent."  Capone elaborated.

"Then what, I mean after she finds him at the bar?" Charlie asked, with her arms folded across her chest. 

"Axle will take Stacy back to her house and get her fingerprints." He answered.

Charlie gave a glance to Axle.  "How exactly would Axle get her fingerprints?"  That stung hearing her call him by his road name.  He understood that she was upset.

"Umm...I don't think you need to know the exact details." Priest tried to ease the tension he felt was rising.

Charlie let out a frustrated sigh.  "You know what, do whatever the fuck you want; clearly my opinion doesn't matter here."

Capone sneezed, giving the signal that Shelly was nearby.

"No, it doesn't." Axle spoke, "You're my ol'lady; your only job is to look pretty, obey me, and fuck me when I say."

Charlie's eyes widen, and the others in the room gasp in shock at how Axle spoke to her. 

"You son of a bitch!" Viper shouted, lunging towards Axle, but Ice held him back. Capone quickly went over to her brother and whispered in his ear.  After a few seconds, he calmed down. 

Luckily Irish or her parents weren't around.  Mad Dog would have killed Axle for talking to his daughter like that. 

Axle slowly walked over to Charlie.  He ran his fingers through his hair.  "You know, after Colombia, I don't know if I can get past what you did with Damien."

Priest looked at his friend.  He was the only one besides Capone who knew this scene was all staged.  But even so, Axle bringing up Damian was hitting below the belt.  He understood his friend needed to make it look real, but that was over the top.


In the upstairs office, Axle, Charlie, and Priest were discussing the plan Capone came up with.  "So, let me get this straight; you want Eric and I to have a public break-up so Shelly will go back and tell Stacy," Charlie repeated for clarity.

"Exactly, but it needs to be real." Capone reiterated.  He looks over to Axle.  "Look, everyone in the clubhouse knows how much you love her, so your fight has to be brutal and believable."  "Can you do that?"

Axle squeezed her hand.  "I have no choice, do I." He spat.  "Ok, I'll give the signal when I've noticed Shelly," Capone said before walking back to the common area.

"Just remember none of this is real." Priest reminded them, looking more so at Charlie when he said it.  He followed Capone back downstairs.

Axle turned to her and cupped her face.  "I'm doing this because I love you and need you safe."  "Whatever I say out there, I don't mean any of it, ok."

Axle: Savage Skulls MC Vol. 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora