Chapter 30

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Not long after the Skulls arrived back at Cathedral, Sheriff Ford pulled in along with Deputy Roman.

"Hi, Dad," Harper smiled, hugging him. "Hello, sweetheart." "I wish I could say this was a friendly visit, but..." He began, his eyes scanning the room until they fell upon Axle.

Sheriff Ford walked towards the Skulls President. "What do we owe the pleasure?" Axle greeted with a handshake. "Your little stunt downtown Reno." He answered.

Axle raised a brow and tilted his head, playing naïve. "I don't know what you're talking about, Sheriff."

"Cut the bullshit, Axle; you know good and damn well what I'm talking about," Sheriff Ford scoffed, gripping his hands on his waistband. "The shoot-out downtown," Deputy Roman elaborated.

"Don't say we were caught on camera; I jammed all the cell towers on each block we drove and glitched the CCTV cameras," Spook divulged, crossing his arm defensively.

"That's all fair and good, but somebody used a land-line from inside one of the businesses you rode passed," Deputy Roman reported.

"Fuck," Capone mumbled underneath his breath. "What does this mean, dad?" Harper asked, concerned for her husband. "Nothing as of yet, sweetheart," He answered, easing her anxiety slightly.

Sheriff Ford looked directly at Axle. "Downtown Reno is out of my jurisdiction." "When you do crazy shit within the city limits, I can't protect you," He reiterated, letting out a deep sigh.

"The new police chief, Chief Reagan, draws a hard line on biker clubs," Deputy Roman added.

"Sheriff, we've done nothing wrong, so the new police chief...he doesn't have anything on us," Axle replied. " mean she doesn't have anything on you." Sheriff Ford said. Axle furrowed, his eyebrows confused.

Deputy Roman let out a slight chuckle. "The new police chief is a woman – Chief Lauren Reagan."

"Well, regardless, she has nothing on us," Priest repeated, "Right Spook?"

"Exactly, I made sure of that," Spook stated with confidence. "Look, whatever trouble you're trying to resolve, just keep it within the county limits," Sheriff Ford stressed.

"I hear you," Axle nodded. Harper walked her father outside. Axle looked over at Spook.

"I jammed everything; there's no video showing we were ever in the area," Spook declared with fervor. "We're good, man."

While outside, Sheriff Ford expressed his concern to his daughter. "Sweetheart, I'm uneasy with all this trouble Greyson is in." Harper pressed firmly on her dad's forearm. "You don't need to worry, dad; the Skulls have it all under control."

Ford engulfed Harper in his embrace. "Please stay safe, sweetheart; your mother would kill me if I let something happen to you." "I promise," Harper whispers.

Ice strolls toward his wife when she walks back inside. "Are you alright, baby?" He asked, caressing her cheek. Harper gave a faint smile. "I'm fine; my dad worries a lot." Ice placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "I'll never let anything happen to you." He mumbled.

"So, now what?" Priest asked.

This was the burning question in everyone's mind. Beast was in the wind. He was the last piece to this crazy situation. Once the Skulls eliminate him, peace would be restored to their lives.


It's been two weeks, and no sign of Beast or Stacy. The skulls didn't like how quiet everything was. Beast going underground did not assure Axle that the threat was over. Knowing Beast, it was far from it.

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