Part 1

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"Come on fleabag!" I rear my head back and snort. The rope around my head grows tighter and my hoof stomps on the ground. The handler whips that black string at my left hindquarter, and I cry out snapping at the man. "Come on," He clicks his tongue some more and I had enough. Rearing back on my back legs, I throw my front legs out and make contact with his chest. He finally let's go.

"Get him!" I run off neighing at the muggles chasing me. I need to escape. I must leave this hellhole. Ropes spin in the air and I dodge all of them before making a break for the door. The hand boy in fright jumps away and allows me to slam into the wood. I don't care about the splinters or the leather on my forehead. I am going to be free.

"Argh darn it! Just let him go. He won't survive out there for long." The men say allowing me to smirk and run faster out of the corral. Jumping over the fence and darting into the woods, I neigh once more crying in happiness.

Just three weeks ago, I turned into this horse creature and due to being at my relative's house, Vernon thought it would be a good idea to sell me and get the money he wanted. The handlers back there were the ones who bought me off of Vernon. They said I was a purebred black stallion and due to me just turning, I am brand new. Vernon left and I bet all my things are tossed into the fire now. Great! I now need to get out of this place and make it somewhere safe. I would have gone to the Weasleys but they would just bring me to Dumbledore and he might try and block my transformation.

"Nice day isn't it?" I skid on the ground and throw whoever was on my back off. Who landed was a goblin. "Hey! Not nice for someone who came to update you on your transformation."

I bow my head in apology and the goblin nods. "That is much better. Now, Mr. Potter, you have gone through a creature inheritance. All your things have been moved to your vault to keep safe and even your wand." That is a relief for me. "Now, I am here to help you turn back human and discuss what you shall plan to do."

For five minutes the goblin helped me shift back to human and hand me underwear to cover my nudity. He brings me to a river where there is food for me to eat. As I eat, the goblin collects all the necessary documents before beginning to talk.

"Now Mr. Potter, you are now in your creature inheritance and with being a domesticated animal you may have a handler or more. Based on your records, you have a few handlers you have the choice in accepting or removing. The handlers are Tom Riddle, Sirius Black or his relatives with the Malfoys or Lestrange, Albus Dumbledore, Weasley family, Severus Snape, and Longbottom's."

"Remove Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Longbottom's, Lestrange, and Malfoys; and isn't Tom Riddle dead?" I tell him.

"Tom Riddle cannot be removed as he is the main handler and the most powerful in handling you. Also, he is one of your dominant mates. The other mate would be Draco Malfoy but you removed his family, so he is removed from the mate's list." I grit my teeth but don't say anything. "Also due to Mr. Riddle being gone, you hold the title as the heir and can live at his mansion until he returns."

"Fine. I accept Tom Riddle as my handler and mate." The goblin nods and writes something on the paper. A silver collar with emerald gemstones appears.

"This shows who you belong to so no other wizard or witch can claim you as their own. This collar will expand when you turn into a horse. It also is a portkey and the way to activate it is by saying "Master's Manor." Then you will be transported to the manor." I nod and grab the collar and put it on. I feel the clasp turn cold before it disappears. My fingers reach and touch it and find no clasp.

"Uh, why did the clasp disappear?"

"It cannot be removed unless it is your master." I sigh and leave it be.

"What else?" I ask looking at the paper.

"Due to having a dominant handler, he can also accept the title of breeder meaning he may mate with you and you can give birth to children." I rear my head back.

"What!? What the hell magic is that? I am a male not female." The goblin nods.

"Yes, but your horse is a female. You appear as male and whatnot but when it comes time for your heat which will happen every three months for a week, your breeder can mate with you in your ass hole and you may get pregnant. When you are pregnant you will remain in your horse form and give birth with your horse form. The child will be human when being born and the child may also have the ability to turn into a creature."

"Will I be able to go back to Hogwarts? What am I to do? Must I go back to the Dursleys?" I ask wanting to know how I will spend the rest of the summer.

"You only belong and live with Riddle and due to him being gone you may do as you wish. Your things now have been moved to the manor and a list of things you inherited is in your trunk waiting for you to read. I do not see why you cannot go back to Hogwarts but just note that Dumbledore no longer has guardianship over you so you don't need to do anything he says. The Dursleys have sold you off so it is clear they don't wish to have you in their home so no you don't need to go back. Any other questions can be answered in the list that is at the Riddle manor. Good luck Mr. Potter." The goblin stands up ready to walk off but stops. "Oh, and before I forget, your handler can change your name to whatever he wants so be forewarned and be prepared for it. Goodbye."

I stare at the spot the goblin disappeared for a minute. I can't believe that I belong to someone, not only that but to Riddle. Voldemort but since he is still gone, I am practically free. A smile stretches on my lips as my hands grab the croissant and eat happily. Once I am done with my little picnic I use the password to the portkey and leave the forest.

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