Waste of space

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"Luke, you're a fucking nerd and I hate you," Michael whispered sleepily against Luke's neck when Luke had moved and accidentally woken Michael up, and Michael felt in their close proximity Luke's small chuckle, kissing Michael's cheek as if that would make up for waking him up. Okay maybe it did, but that's not the point.

"You love me," Luke replied, voice too happy so early, but at the same time a welcome greeting for Michael, who probably needed a ray of sunshine like Luke in the morning to stop him from wanting to punch someone constantly.

Michael smiled, pressing a small kiss to Luke's lips,"No, I definitely hate you," Michael said softly, making Luke pout and emit a small of disappointment, wrapping his legs around Michael's waist like some sort of koala, clinging onto him as if it could change his mind about how much he really and truly hated Luke. He hated Luke so much, ugh Luke was the worst he just need to leave forever.

There was only a month give or take left in their trip. It was sad to see it ending, because apart from the part where Michael nearly punched Luke multiple times, it had been pretty gosh darn good, and Michael was already missing the feeling of it and they were still on the road. Maybe they could do a roadtrip around America or something straight after, yeah that would be fun and totally affordable.

"Seriously though, we should start waking up, it's late and I want breakfast," Luke said chirpily, trying to stand up, but Michael not letting him, locking Luke's waist between his arms and shaking his head.

"Calum and Ashton aren't awake, why should we be?" Michael complained, looking across the van at Calum and Ashton cuddled together, a (now pretty much healthy) dog by there side, making both Luke and Michael smile softly.

Oh yeah, turns out Calum and Ashton had been dating this whole time, as in they were dating in high school this whole time, as in whilst Michael and Luke had all the awkward sexual tension fucking them up, Calum and Ashton were making out in the front seat or wherever, Michael somehow not noticing. Who knew, right? Well Luke did, apparently was the answer. Let's say Michael slapped them all and grouchily said something along the lines of them all being the worst friends ever until Luke kissed his dumb face and apologised and it was all okay again. It's always okay with Luke.

"Calum and Ashton are allowed to be asleep, now come on Michael, we have bacon to cook!" and Michael groaned, letting go of Luke, but not moving himself, instead just watching Luke as quietly as he could pull open a pack of bacon and making himself busy.

Michael didn't help, mostly because his cooking skill were lower than zero and he ended up getting in the way the whole time, and Luke had also realised this by now, instead just smiling softly as he felt Michael's eyes travelling along with him lazily.

"You're really pretty," Michael commented, loving the way the early-ish morning light made Luke glow softly, like an angel sent from heaven or some other poetic shit. That wasn't really Michael's forte, but he knew what he could see was perfect, something Michael never thought could actually exist in the real world, but here it was, in the form of a clumsy and lanky boy who trips over every two seconds and stumbles around his words and is too awkward to function socially. But Michael loved every part of that to the point his heart swelled and stomach churned with anxious possibilities, but that was love and Michael couldn't name one flaw in it.

Luke blushed softly at Michael's words, heart fluttering at the compliment he'd heard so many times in the last few months, but every time it still felt like the first, heart beating too fast for a few seconds and hot flush across his cheeks, and it felt like everything was perfect, that he was perfect and Michael was perfect, and everything had just been put into place and was right.

The smell of bacon cooking almost instantly woke up both dog and human, all crowding around with plates almost instantly, and Luke took charge in cooking, being he was probably the best and Michael knew he was lucky to have Luke and everything he had to offer. So so so lucky.

Michael kissed the back of Luke's neck while he put food on a plate for himself and Michael, and Michael sat opposite Luke, wolfing down his food probably too fast, because he was hungry and it tasted really good and he didn't like how the bacon masked the taste of Luke's skin on his lips, and he needed to change that quickly.

They didn't speak too much whilst eating, except Ashton commenting on how Michael was going to choke at the rate he was eating, and Michael just snorted, replying how he had already chocked on Luke's dick, causing Ashton to wrinkle his nose in disgust and Luke slap his arm roughly, a small pout on his lips.

Michael rolled his eyes, shoving his now empty plate to the side and leaning forwards to press a small kiss on Luke's lips, like he usually did when Luke did his pouty face and puppy eyes and looked like he could cry any minute, but this time Luke snorted, pushing Michael to the side,"Your breath is gross," he commented, sticking his tongue out childishly at Michael or sat there looking a bit confuse for a few second.

Michael huffed, sitting down on top of his feet, crossing his arms stubbornly,"I hate you," he decided after a minute or so,"You're the most horrible human being in the entire world."

Luke giggled, leaning his head against Michael's shoulder, and against his better judgement he wrapped his arms around Luke's shoulders, almost on automatic pilot, and Luke smiled widely,"You love me really," he said lightly.

And Michael sighed but nodded,"Yeah, I really do," he replied gently, kissing Luke's forwards softly, and he felt like life could never be better than that moment.

I just wrote the last chapter for this and I'm crying so much omfg

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