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I'm think we should ride, to a place that we don't know.
To a place where no one's seen us before.
I'm thinking you and I, better just go with the flow.
Last thing that we should do is go slow.

No Michael didn't want to leave his Xbox, computer games or bed. No he didn't want to be taken away from his fridge full of snacks and freezer with too much ice cream. Yes, he did just want to stay at home and sleep for the whole of summer. And why he wasn't doing that, well only because his dumbass friends were forcing him to leave on a roadtrip around the whole Australia.

Michael had made it very clear he didn't want to go, he'd even considered handcuffing himself to the lamppost outside, just so he could stay, but in the end, he knew there was nothing he could do, Ash and Cal were incessant, they would make him come one way or another, even if that meant knocking him out and forcing him into the van they were going to be driving around in.

So instead, he was obediently packing the last few things, which were food, and plenty of it to last the three of them over this 'adenture' and as much money as he could spare for fuel and what not. He'd even invested in a phone charger to be used in the car, just because Michael can think on his feet like that. He was smart. Totally.

He heard the old van pull outside his house through his rooms open window, the old engine very much audible and Michael was worried the van might not even make it around Australia. But he ignored that nagging feeling, instead quickly picking up his things, only last minute remembering a duvet might be useful, and taking his plain blanket off his bed, and then trudging downstairs, slowly because he still didn't want to leave.

"Hey Michael," he heard Ash yell as he wandered outside, his feet scraping against the gravel path reluctantly, but he put his stuff in the back with everyone else's anyway, ignoring Ash's greeting, and just wandering over to the passenger side of the three seater van in annoyed silence, while Ashton got in the driving seat.

Though, as Michael opened up the door to the front, where he had expected an empty seat, he saw that it was in fact taken, only by his very definitely least favourite person on this planet.

"What the fuck is Luke doing here?"

New fics woo

Um so I looked it up and it takes about a year to drive around the Australian coast so this fic will take place over the space of a year

Idk if this has been done but I thought it'd be cute and I came up with it reading Paper Towns to yh

Chapters will start coming out February 14th onwards yh

If u have any questions or anything, comment or pm me thanks l8r sk8rs

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