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The whole trip was starting to wind down a bit now. They were in a little routine in some sort of way. It was still an adventure and all, but they always stopped at certain times and cooked more or less the same thing. It wasn't bad though, routine was good sometimes too.

It was about midday and they were driving down the empty road, bumbling along, not doing much honestly. The whole van were currently singing along to blink-182, which was playing from the speakers, all going between air drumming and guitaring, just having a laugh.

None were really concentrating on what was going on, this sort of thing happened most days with different bands, even getting over excited when blasting The 1975. It didn't matter because they were all having the time of their lives, and what else was there to care about honestly?

Luke was draped over Michael, his legs hanging across Michael's, while he lay across the van floor, vaguely drumming at the air to the music, more watching as Michael got too into it, air guitaring whilst sat down and screaming the lyrics to 'Time to Break Up' but Luke thought everything he did was beautiful, the way he scrunched his face up and eyes lit up, Luke just really loved Michael honestly.

But whilst this was happening, unexpectedly, the van started skidding to a stop, Ashton hitting the breaks way too hard, and a high pitched squeal coming from Calum, both their eyes screwed shut. Luke and Michael were sure they were going to die then.

When stopped, Calum was out the van quicker than ever, and the next thing Michael assumed was that they had hit a killed someone, and both him and Luke scrambled out the van, along with Ashton, to see what the hell had happened.

In the middle of the road, Calum stood with a half-dead looking dog scooped in his arms. It was too skinny, and obviously dehydrated. "We need to get this poor thing water, now," Calum ordered, rushing as fast as he could with the dog, but trying not to jolt it too much.

Luke and Ashton followed quickly, with Michael not far behind. Inside, Calum was already forcing water down the dogs throat, Michael's water bottle stuffed into the dogs mouth so it would drink, and Michael was going to complain, but he knew how much dogs meant to Calum and that when this one was almost definitely going to die, he shouldn't make jokes or get angry just then.

Michael sat down next to Luke, who was mashing up some left over food that they had had last night, ready to give to Calum, so the dog would hopefully eat. The dog itself was static still, whether in shock or it was too scared to move, Michael wasn't completely sure, but he just watched feeling a little helpless as he saw everyone else try and help out.

"Hey Michael, pass me a jacket, he's shaking a lot," Calum said suddenly, breaking the silence, and Michael, realised he had zoned out, and the dog was now asleep, head resting in Calum's lap.

Michael nodded, grabbing one of Calum's zip up hoodies, giving it to Calum, who carefully laid it over the dogs shaking body. It was unknown between all the boys whether he'd survive even now.

"We should go, find a vet," Ashton said after a while of all of them just staring at the dog. He slid into the drivers seat, quickly flicking on the engine, going way too fast again. Thankfully they didn't nearly hit any other dogs on there way back.

Michael had never liked vets. Owning a dog of his own, he knew how distressed they got, for no reason really, but it put him on edge as well. This time there was no waiting around for a checkup, instead all for of them bursting in with this dog in their arms.

Luke and Michael had been forced to wait outside, because there wasn't enough room for everyone apparently, Michael's leg bouncing up and down nervously while Luke played with his hair somewhat soothingly. Michael wasn't sure why he was so nervous, it was a dog he had no real emotional connection too, he didn't like the idea of any animal dying though.

Thankfully Ashton and Calum came out the room, the dog now walking beside them, looking relived, and Michael let at a puff of breath, thankful the wait for nervous news was over.

"He's gonna be fine, just needs more food and water, some antibiotics, and then he should be fine," Calum explained briefly. Calum really loved dogs, always wanting one, and despite never actually having one, he seemed to know more than the rest of them combined. He just really loved dogs.

"What should we name him?" Ashton asked when they were back in the van, Calum gently cuddling the dog and occasionally offering it water.

Michael had no ideas, and apparently Calum didn't either by the way he shrugged. He was a little busy cooing at the dog, muttering words inaudible to Michael across from him. It was Luke who came up with a suggestion.

"What about Ketchup, cause that's essentially what we fed him first and stuff?" he said, seemingly slightly awkward to say his opinion, but Michael pulled him over kissing his forehead reassuringly.

"That sounds cute," Michael replied, and by the way the other to were nodding happily, it seemed they had a new dog by the name of Ketchup.

I love the cheeky nandos meme more than anything else bye

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