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"Hey guys, so I was thinking-"

"That's never good," Calum said, cutting Ashton off immediately, which lead to Ashton flipping him off, before continuing on with what he had been saying before.

"That the driving part of this trip can get a bit boring-"

"I disagree," Michael chimed in, one again interrupting Ashton, as he and Luke were currently racing each other on rainbow road on Mario Kart, and he definitely was not bored, sticking his tongue between his teeth in concentration.

Ashton groaned, reaching behind himself (and very much not looking at the road) and snapping Michael's DS closed, much to the delight of Michael behind him,"Fuck you, I was winning you asshole!"

Which lead to Luke laughing,"Liar, you were dead last," he pointed out, earning himself a slap on the arm from a disgruntled Michael, but Luke just carried on laughing.

"Guys, pick a colour," Ashton demanded, turning to Calum to get them all started.


"Black, like my soul," Michael replied, and Luke said something about a MySpace profile from not that many years ago.

"I don't know man, yellow."

"And I'll pick red," Ashton ended,"Now every time we see a car of the colour you've chosen, you take off an item of clothing," Ashton explained.

Of course, Michael was first to complain,"Dude, if I knew the point in the colour picking, I would've been more strategic!" he yelled, and Ashton just rolled his eyes.

"Too late now," Ashton replied nonchalantly, shrugging a little, not really caring.

"What if I don't feel comfortable getting naked in front of you guys?" Luke asked softly, and Michael glanced over Luke. How could someone who looked like that not feel comfortable. Then again, what did Michael know.

"Well, apparently Calum's already seen your dick, so what worse could happen?" and Calum laughed softly, shaking his head,"Speaking of Calum, blue car ahead," Ashton called, and Calum rolled his eyes, taking off one flip-flop.

"How do we determine a winner? And how are you gonna take your clothes off without killing us Ashton?" Michael asked, just as two black cars passed, causing him to take both his flip flops off, chucking them onto the ground.

"Whoever is naked last wins, and I'm sure we'll be fine boys," Ashton reassured, laughing a little crazily, and Michael was wondering whether the heat was getting to him now.

An hour later, and the pretty much empty roads were proving a problem. However, Calum had already lost, Michael was down to his boxers, Ashton had lost his shirt, and Luke was winning, still wearing both jeans and shirt.

Calum, sitting in the front, stark naked, and with the windows down because otherwise everyone in the van would roasts and die, was complaining profusely about the cold, and Michael was doing the same, using Luke as a heater, which in turn had led to Luke making a joke about how they were 'exchanging body heat in the passenger seat' but Michael was too comfy lying across Luke's chest to hit him that time, instead just making a vague noise of displeasure.

Another half hour, and no more black cars had been seen, thankfully for Michael, but a string of three red cars and two yellows had been, which meant Ashton was out and it was left with Luke and Michael both in boxers (Michael had laughed at the cartoon food depicted on them)

They were now huddled together, both super cold, in fact everyone in the car was cold, but the lack of clothes was making it a little awkward, especially since Luke was sculpted perfectly, and Michael was just well...Michael.

Of course being practically naked on top of Luke made it a little more intimate, and in turn very much awkward. Michael could literally feel all of Luke, making him more than uncomfortable, but then he knew if he moved he'd die of cold, considering he felt the cold more than the usual person anyway, wind rushing through the windows as they zoomed down the long road.

Ironically though, a black and yellow car was seen at the same time, and Michael and Luke high fived at the draw, quickly pulling their clothes back on, Calum and Ashton doing the same, Ashton struggling a lot.

"That was an awful idea Ashton," Michael said once everyone was fulling clothed, and each person hummed in agreement, Ashton yelling a 'fuck you guys' as they carried on driving down the long road.

Things r gonna get CRAZY in the next few chapters be ready my friends

Hope you guys have/had a good day today and if not tomorrow will be cool I know it, don't forget to yolo ily okay l8r sk8rs

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