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Luke arrived an hour later. Calum and Michael had been silent the whole time, swallowed away in thoughts larger than any constellation, and thousands of times more intricate. Michael was confused and lonely and scared. Calum was confused, worried and scared, all for his friend who had stopped crying many minutes ago and was just shaking in his lap.

Luke indicated silently for Calum to leave, and he sighed, nodding and placing his lips on his best friends forehead gently, comfortingly, before shuffling away, Michael sitting up again, rubbing at his stinging, raw eyes.

"You're beautiful ya know, you always have been," Luke said softly as he sat down beside Michael, and looking over, Michael saw that his eyes were bloodshot too, both of them were suffering.

"You always told me that, I never believed you," Michael muttered, looking down at the ground, the bugs trailing around the ground fascinating at that time, Michael vaguely wondering if ants feel love and lose and fear the way he did.

"We could try again, you and I, I think we could make it this time," Luke said honestly, his voice too confident for his shaky form, but Michael carried on staring at the ground, shaking his head.

"I hurt you so much Luke, I'm a monster, I don't want to get you hurt again," Michael said lowly, voice cracking in all the wrong places, and trembling in the others. He felt pathetic just then.

Luke suddenly moved, cupping Michael's face with his long fingers, so they were face to face,"You were scared Michael, of what others would think and do, you choose what you did because you were afraid of it happening to you.

You were fucking selfish, but God were you terrified, I heard you crying in the bathrooms all those times Michael. Soon it became part of you, you'd lash out at anything, but Michael, you've changed. We're not in high school anymore, it's okay, it's okay to be afraid, but it's okay to conquer those fears as well," Luke said, words tumbling out and strung perfectly.

"What if it happens again Luke? Don't think I didn't see all the times you cried, it tore my fucking heart out, but all I did was hurt you more. I don't know why, I just did. It overtook my thoughts, I don't know if it might happen again or not, but what if it does?" Michael said looking behind Luke at the plastic bag that was caught in a tree, wind trying to pull it out, but not able to. That's how Michael felt, trapped.

"Michael, I trust you with my goddamn life, I know the high school you wasn't the real you, of course I do," Luke said softly, stroking Michael's cheek with his thumb softly, brushing over the stubble which had formed,"Look at me Michael, please," and Michael averted his eyes from the plastic bag to Luke's soft, beautiful blue ones, which rivalled the oceans and skies and galaxies all at once.

"Michael, I love you," Luke said so gently, so sweetly, and Michael nodded, swallowing back his fears and dread and everything that had been holding him back. They weren't him, he needed to leave them behind.

"I love you too," Michael whispered, and Luke smiled, leaning in slowly, pressing his sweet lips tenderly to Michael's shaking ones, moving his arms to wrap around the back of Michael's neck, and it was heavenly, everything being left behind, and so much more beginning with one kiss.

Luke pulled away, smiling softly, and reaching forwards, rubbing away the new tears that were running down Michael's face, this time they were tears induce by happiness, and both boys new that as they sat at the side of the dumb empty road, smiling at each other with all the love they had for each other showing.

The chapter I just wrote is so different to this one I'm laughing

Updates are gonna be a bit slow for a while cause I have exams coming up and revision is more important than wattpad surprisingly, so I'll try to update but I'm a but loaded down w/ work, sorry...

Anyhow, imma go sleep probs l8r sk8rs

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