Emo Trash

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Michael had slept pressed up against the wall away from everyone else, and as far away as he could get from Luke without leaving the van itself. He wasn't going to tell the others, but even with a duvet he was fucking freezing, and whereas he would've usually just cuddled with Calum, he didn't want to give Luke anymore fuel to make fun of him, so he just stayed freezing cold on the opposite side to everyone else.

Somehow he still managed to sleep despite the cold, and though it probably wasn't too sound, Michael had dealt with a few bad nights in his life, this was nothing new and nothing that bad in the end.

What he wasn't happy with was how he was woken up when everyone literally jumped on top of him, causing the breath to be knocked out of his lungs as he scrambled to sit up, glaring at Calum who smirked at Michael whilst sitting between his legs, Luke just a little behind him and Ashton ignoring the lot of them as he made his way outside, the breeze from outside, which was thankfully warm, flowing in.

"Fuck you guys," Michael muttered as he threw away his duvet, standing up in the crampt van, Calum and then Luke following his lead. He stretched out, groaning at the way his back clicked obnoxiously loud, making Luke cringe.

"You have a problem?" Michael asked as he stared down at Luke, annoyance, as usual, painted on his expression.

Luke just nodded, much to Michael's surprise,"I hate when people click their bones," he muttered quietly, to which Michael just smirked ridiculously wide, you should never admit a weakness like that to him.

So of course, naturally, he clicked each knuckled individually, smirking as he saw Luke cover his ears and his face contort to something close to pain, but before he could move onto the next hand, he was literally tackled to the side, this time by none other than Ashton, who somehow Michael hadn't noticed coming in.

"Bro, what's your problem," Michael yelped as he was pinned to a wall, slightly breathless from the force he was pushed at. Ashton just rolled his eyes though, releasing him from his grip, and stepping back from Michael, who was practically steaming from the ears now.

"Can you stop being such a fucking baby and try and get along, is that really that hard, you're being a dick," Ashton yelled, and it was Michaels turn to flinch back, because Ashton literally never yelled unless he was seriously pissed. He was more the passive aggressive guy, never violent though, and if he is, well you're in serious danger.

Michael didn't let that fact get to him though, instead choosing to yell back,"He's a fucking prick and a waste of space!" he yelled just as loud, and Ashton's face contorted to something of total rage as he glared at Mochael.

"Don't you dare call him a waste of space again," he hissed, low enough that only Michael could hear, and calm enough that it was just plain scary, and Michael had to suppress a shiver that was creepy up his spine, not wanting to show any weakness, and not shrinking do at Ashton's glare.

"I don't see why you care so much, you never used to," Michael grumbled,"I though it would always just be the three of us as best friends, I just don't see why Luke needs to be included," he added just as quietly as Ashton had been speaking.

Ashton sighed, his angry demeanour turning slightly softer. Only slightly,"Dude, there's nothing wrong with having new friends, I mean, just give him a chance, he's actually a cool guy," Ashton said to Michael, his voice still stern, like a parent annoyed when their kid won't talk to any others, and in a way that was what Michael was doing.

Michael shrugged,"Fine, but no promises on being friends," he said after a while, hating the fact that he had given in after years of fighting away Luke from being even near him.

Ashton practically gleamed then at his progress, slapping Michael on the back,"Sounds good to me," he replied frankly, then leaving Michael alone and going over to Luke, who was currently cowering in the corner from Michael, and Michael had to smirk at himself, because he just liked to scare Luke. It made him happy. He couldn't describe why. Maybe it was the power he felt when he did scare him, but anyhow, it uplifted his mood no matter what, to the point it was nearly scary. Michael didn't think about that part much though.

Ayy look as this quick update, don't expect this much lmao

Tbh I legit have no news im just watching scrubs on Netflix now and it's taking over my life so imma go watch some more l8r sk8rs

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