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Michael had to eat his dumbass pasta as civilised as he could with Luke. But given with the pasta, you either had the option of completely burnt or spectacularly soggy, well he was feeling totally pissed off by now.

He was sat in the corner of the van with Calum, both of them picking over what was edible of their food and trying to keep warm in the van, as outside the temperature was rapidly dropping, even if it was summer.

Calum was talking about how he was hoping to pick up football again when they got back, how he was kinda missing it, though Michael remembered how all Calum did was complain about it when he had to do it, but whatever.

Michael on the other hand was glaring at Ashton and Luke, who were talking quietly opposite them, much to Michael's annoyance,"How are they so friendly?" He muttered lowly to Calum, and effectively cutting him off mid sentence.

Calum just shrugged, not looking up from his pasta,"They had half their classes together, so they are friends ya know," he replied nonchalantly, but Michael whipped around to look at Calum, this being news and all to him.

"And I didn't know this because?" he asked accusingly at Calum, who just raised his hands up in defence.

"You didn't know because we didn't want you to get angry at us, or more angry at Luke or whatever," Calum replied, and Michael sighed, looking back down at his pasta, not wanting to start another fight,"Also, you don't need to know about all our friends," Calum added in a mutter.

Michael rolled his eyes,"Yeah, but I do if it's Luke we're talking about," he grumbled, but Calum just chuckled, shaking his head at Michaels words.

Eventually, both Michael and Calum agreed to give up on the pasta, both chucking the remnants outside, and instead Michael took chocolate and cookies out his bag, and both boys munched on them happily, appreciating them after the pasta they had endured.

It wasn't long until Ashton, and then annoyingly Luke, crawled over to them, taking some of the cookies for themselves (and though Michael had tried to not let Luke get any, Ashton stole some and gave them to Luke, so there wasn't much point in the end) though there was a weight of tension upon everyone's shoulders as conversation was kept short and terse.

"What are sleeping arrangements," Luke asked after a while, yawning slightly while saying so, and Michael laughed slightly, what a wimp. Sleep is for the weak. Pfft.

"Well I was just thinking that we'd all sleep in the back," Ashton said, loud enough so we could all hear, and both Calum and Luke nodded in agreement, but Michael jsut shook his head, he was not going to sleep anywhere near Luke. He might and try to jerk Michael off in his sleep. You can never be too sure with gay people.

"Um, that's a little gay Ash," Michael replied loudly, glaring over at Luke purposely, but he just rolled his eyes at Michael, shaking his head and looking back down at the ground.

"Like you haven't shared a bed with me or Calum, God you are such a straight white boy!" Ashton exclaimed, and Luke and Calum both started snickering, and Michael grunted, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yeah, and you're straight and white too Ash, fuck off," he muttered lowly, looking down at the ground like a child about to throw a temper tantrum.

Ashton chuckled,"I am white, straight, and open to options, now stop being a wuss Michael, no ones gonna make any moves on you. We're all friends," he said as he stood up and started moving things around to make room for them to sleep.

"I'm not friends with Luke," Michael muttered, but reluctantly he stood up to put out duvets and pillows as well, as much as he didn't want to.

It takes me so long to update im sorry oops

These chapters aren't even very good they'll get better hopefully who knows.

Umm, anyhow, all ive been doing this week is listening to Drake's new album and it's so good I'm crying that is the reason I haven't been writing anything maybe.

Anyhow, imma go do all my homework l8r sk8rs

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