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Four months later and everything was, perfect. With new love came a new sense of adventure and purpose and belonging. It was full of joy that every boy in the cramped van could feel when driving. They were well into the second half of their trip, and along the way they'd visited beaches and cute little cafes and posted too much to Instagram, but it was perfect, for all four.

You would've thought that what with being cute boyfriends, the bickering between Luke and Michael would've ended. It was still ongoing. Michael would yell at Luke for stealing his underwear or socks or for just being 'annoying,' but you could tell he was joking, love shining in his eyes.

Luke would then stick out his bottom lip, giving Michael his best puppy dog eyes, and Michael would almost immediately give in, kissing him softly and apologising for yelling. It was a sight to see, and it probably happened about six times a day.

In this time Michael had dyed his hair, the bleach blonde now with a blue patch in the middle of his head, because blue was Luke's favourite colour and he worshipped Luke for all he was worth, so dyeing his hair wasn't much of a sacrifice for his perfect boy. (He had tried to dye the whole of his hair blue, but it had kinda failed. Luke claimed it was hot though, so Michael kept it how it was)

Currently though, they were in the middle of no where, as per usual really. Over four months nothing much had changed in where they slept, but it had made they're trip a lot cheaper than originally expected, which wasn't too bad.

It was beautifully warm night, surprisingly, considering autumn was already here, but the boys had decided to take advantage of how nice it was outside, all sitting together on the ground.

They'd found a spot to park, on top of a hill sort of thing, and not far off they could see a huge lake, the stars and moon reflecting upon it, making it look like part of the galaxy had fallen out of the sky.

Luke was sat in between Michael's legs, his back resting against Michael's chest, and Michael had his arms wrapped protectively around Luke, pressing small kisses on the side of Luke's neck, while Luke continued to stare out at the view in front of him.

Calum rested his head on Michael's shoulder. Sometimes Michael thought Calum was jealous or something, but then he just knew his friend was clingy and that Ashton didn't like to cuddle that much, so Michael just let him be clingy, even if it was annoying when Calum decided to come in the middle of him and Luke, whatever.

Michael started muttering sweet nothings against Luke's skin, Luke smiling softly, a light blush dusting across his cheeks, not that you would be able to see in the dark. It was silent apart from the few murmurings coming from Michael, until Ashton, who was sitting a little bit away spoke up.

"I wish you guys were as pretty as this view," he said thoughtfully, and Michael wondered whether Ashton had meant to say that, or if he had been speaking his thoughts aloud accidentally.

"Fuck you," all three others say at the same time, making them all laugh in unison as well, Luke saying how in sync they were faintly.

"Ash, how can you even say that, I mean have you even looked at Luke, he's prettier than all the stars put together," Michael commented, stroking Luke's hair softly,"Luke stand up and like stand in front of us all," Michael whispered, to which Luke quickly obeyed, standing slightly confused,"See guys, Luke is the view," Michael chuckled indicating towards an awkward Luke.

"You're stupid Michael," Luke murmured, giggling lightly as he moved to sit back in his original position with Michael, shaking his head.

Calum sighed, looking to Ashton,"That could be us, but you playing" Calum joked, laughing softly,"No homo," he added for good measurement.

Ashton snorted, lying down against the ground,"You're all idiots," he said, smiling faintly,"I'm glad you're my friends."

"Awh Ash, you bring a tear to my eye," Michael joked softly,"But yeah, I couldn't think of better friends than you guys."

"Friendzoned again," Luke murmured, and Michael chuckled, leaning forwards and taking Luke's hands in his own.

"Shut up Luke."

I hope this was sufficiently cute tbh cause I thought it was p alright

Okay the rowyso tour is so exciting like my babies touring and shit and the setlist is real good actually I mean there's a few songs I'd change like I want 18 back on it but yes it's great and the nEW SONG HOLY SHIT HIT ME WITH A BRICK ITS SO GOOD AND MICHAEL OMG STOP PLEASE I CANT JESUS (I'm so sad that I don't have tickets tbh like punch me in the face please)

Chapters r gonna be a little slow cause revising + reading fight club + rowyso + writing a new fic so yes sorry about that umm l8r sk8rs

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