178 | Elite School Convention

Start from the beginning

     "We demand you let Felix go!" Max shouts, but as soon as he saw everyone in the room, Max and Ervin quickly stopped, panting heavily after getting chased.

     Everyone in the room became quiet, their mouths wide open in shock from seeing their unexpected visitors. After a while, the serious expression on Felix's face changed and he started laughing. Right after him, Ari followed and started laughing too.

     "M-master, we apologize for this disturbance. We'll apprehend these trespassers immediately," one of the guards suddenly states, instantly making Felix and Ari stop laughing.

     Max and Ervin were about to run when the guards started approaching them, but before anyone could grab them, Felix's grandfather suddenly said, "Stop, leave them be. You may all return to your stations."

     The guards, as well as Max, Ervin, Ari, and Felix, were surprised by the old man's instructions, but the guards didn't try to question him as they bowed their heads and left the room as they were instructed. As soon as they left, Max and his friends looked at Felix's grandfather who looked back at them with a serious expression.

     "I have not been subjected to this kind of disrespect in my entire life," he says as he looked at them one by one.

     Felix thought that he was going to insult his friends again, and this time, he was prepared to defend them. But surprisingly enough, his grandfather wasn't planning to do such a thing. Instead, he asked them, "Why did you all do this? You all look like smart boys. You're clearly aware that such actions have grave consequences."

     Max, Ervin, and Ari looked at each other before looking back at Felix. Even Keigo, who was listening to them, couldn't help but feel the pressure too. All he could do was sit quietly and wait for what Max and the others are going to answer.

     "Why?" Ervin asks back, now looking at Felix's parents and grandfather. "Felix is our friend," he simply answers, and that single sentence made everyone in the room quiet.

     "It doesn't matter the consequences, and it doesn't matter if we get in trouble or if we get hurt, as long as a friend of ours asked for our help, we're going to be there," Ervin finishes, and Max, Ari, and even Keigo were nodding their heads to agree to it.

     Felix's grandfather doesn't say anything and just looked back at Max before looking back at the Campbell emblem that's now on the floor. Without saying anything, the old man stands from his seat, surprising everyone.

     "Father!" Felix's dad says in shock. He was about to help his father, but he stops him as he walked toward the emblem, holding onto his cane so he wouldn't fall. With all his strength, he bends over and takes the emblem on the floor before walking toward his heir.

     No one knew what he was planning to do, but to their surprise, his grandfather takes Felix's hand and gives him the emblem. "You're right," he tells Felix, "You are our family jewel, but more importantly, you are our grandson. We were so proud of you that we got blinded; we treated you as nothing more than a shiny accessory that made the family look good. But we forget that you are a Campbell, and among all of us, you deserved that name more than anyone."

     Felix was surprised. He looked down at his palm and stared at the emblem before looking back at his grandfather.

     "I'm sorry Felix. I am really really sorry.."

     [Back to present time]

    "Look at this little heir. How's your first day of finally being free from your family?" Max teased while staring at the necklace that he was now wearing, making Felix laugh.

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