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 Dark eyes stared right into my soul.

My hands were shaking as I passed my fingers throw my hair, remembering how tangled it is after a shift.

I froze, this is a bad idea. My wolf instinct was driving me forward as if I was being pulled by my mate with an invisible rope. I obeyed. Walking barefoot to him.

'Did they go?' Dad linked me suddenly.

'Ah, yes, no, some of them. They were trading guns. Um, " I didn't give it much thought, 'Jacke. How did you tell Angel she is your mate?'

'I didn't, she found out by herself. Why are you asking?' He posed,  'Did you meet your mate?' He was holding a laugh. I could feel his tears and stomach pain in the link. 'MoonGodess keeps amazing me.'

I was far from dad so the link needed more focus. But I could see them approaching carefully.

'You know, I don't need your help. I can deal with my human mate by myself.' I lied 'Goodbye.'

My mate was a couple of meters away from me now, his magical scent was even more pulling and his dark eyes mesmerizing. He passed his hand on his light black beard.

My hand itched, I wanted to touch him and feel his skin against mine. I wanted to mark him and leave my scent on him. To claim he was mine!
"Are you okay? How long have you been there?" deep, husky accent, addicting.

"I'm—" I tried to keep myself together "I'm fine, what about you?"
What! What the fuck was I saying.

"Are you lost?" I couldn't figure out from where it was exactly, his accent.
"No, are you?" Okay, think before you speak Rainbow, think before you speak.

"Do you need a ride to the main road?" He asked again taking notice of my dirted barefoot.

"No." think, think, think... all I could come up with was  "What's your name?"

"What are you doing alone in these woods?" He asked, not answering me.

"I'm camping here" I lied without any difficulty. My wolf moaned, she wanted to tell him I'm a she-wolf living in the promised hole and that he is my mate.

I heard paws hitting the ground coming close. Of course, the humans can't hear them yet. I turned around sniffing the air. Thunder and Zander. Amazing. And I thought mom was the snitch.

They will arrive in two minutes and I can't keep them away even if I asked. They will terrify my mate.

'They have guns' I warned them over the link. They didn't answer me, they were too focused on running full speed to get here as fast as they can.

"Okay then if you don't need any help we will leave," my mate said.

One of the men in suits whispered in his ears. "We can't leave her alive. She's a witness."

"I can hear you," I told him with a grin "Don't worry, I swear I didn't see you smuggling two trucks full of guns."

They all turned to me with shocked faces, my mate passed his hand on his beard again and nodded to the man. He took the gun that was on his waist and held my arm tightly. "Walk," the man said and tried to push me to the trees.

"Really?" I stood my ground and looked at my mate "At least do it yourself, you are their alpha right?.. the boss I mean" I pushed the man's hand from my arm in wolf strength. He stumbled backward. "This is sick."

Before I could say anything else. Zander and Thunder were walking towards us, in all their shirtless height and growls. They weren't happy, I hope they didn't see my mate ordering his man to kill me.

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