15 : Beautiful man

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We spent the rest of the evening fighting in our wolf forms at the yard. This time, no one came to tell us it's not allowed.
The alphas and their lunas disappeared since the combat, so did Griffin. But I couldn't care less. He's a grown up, he knows what he's doing.
Some swarmies were watching us from afar, behind the glass windows, some pups were coming near us but the mothers came running and took them away before we could shift back  to talk to them.
Did they really thought we will hurt pups? Well, maybe when they grow up but hurting little wolves is their job. I've heard stories around our camp fire on summer nights, where rogues tell their stories, a lot of them were omegas abused and treated badly since their childhood by the swarmies. Maybe Jacke wasn't the best father ever, and he beat the shit out of us, but that was in the training. Never outside the arena and never for his own pleasure, -okay he might have done it for his own pleasure, I mean the man is.. you know what I mean. The point is, rogues don't hit and burn pups because they didn't do their chores right.

I lowered my ears a little, Alia moved her canines from my neck and linked me 'Why aren't you focusing Rainbow. Is the audience making you nervous?'

I went behind the tree to shift. When we were all on our legs. Lizley came towards us.

"Hey guys!" she greeted playing with the bracelet in her hand.

Zander hugged her from behind with his hands around her waist. I growled at him and went back to the house.

"Why are you being a dick." Alia yelled behind me when I reached the stairs. I didn't even pay attention she was following.

"What do you mean?" I asked with folded arms.

"With Lizley, you are treating her the same way you treated me when I first came to the hole."

"She's a swarmy I don't trust her."

"That's what's bothering you? You don't trust her?"

"No, I'm bothered because I have no one to hug while I'm sleeping."

"Tshh," she said hitting my back playfully "I knew you care about no one but yourself. Still, try to be happy for him."
I hit her back, a little too hard. And it turned to a fist fight in the middle of the hall. She pushed me off her and I stumbled backwards. I hit someone. The hardness of his chest and the look on Alia's face told me it's not the best person to stumble on.
I turned around to a tall guy, I didn't recognize him. He smelled of authority, but he didn't smell like a swarmy, nor like a rogue. Wearing nothing but shorts. His brown hazel eyes and his husky hair were mesmerizing. Like damn this guy is beautiful.

He pushed me and walked away to the stairs.

"Jerk" Alia yelled behind him.

"Who?" Thunder questioned, coming in with Zander and his girlfriend.

"Just a rude loner." She answered, hugging him.

"Can I have him for a minute?" I said pulling Alia from Thunder and taking her place.

I stood on my toes and hugged him. Putting my head on his chest. My breaths became faster and my stomach hurted. When he felt I was having an attack he hugged me closer to him, whispering something in my ears. I couldn't hear what he was saying since my heart beats were taking over. "Shh." was all I understood.
Zander's hand was brushing on my back and Alia's on my hair. Their touches slowly pulled me from the pain that was consuming my senses. My heart beats slowed and my breathing went stable again.

"What's wrong with her?" Lizley asked

"Nothing." I answered standing on my feet and breaking the contact. "I'm tired." I told my cousins and Alia "I'll go to sleep." before claiming the stairs up to my room.

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