🪐Chapter Twenty-Eight🪐

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"Without enemies you become lazy"


Chapter Twenty-Eight


The Dark Side of the Force was teeming with energy. Aside from the normal darkness that tainted the once pure light, there was something else. Something twisted and broken. Obi-Wan felt it too, that you were sure of. His strong connection to the cosmic Force had alerted him to the change and he was having trouble sleeping and focusing as a result. You weren't sure how to help him aside from drugging him to be sure he slept - which you had teamed up with Ghost Company to do a few times so that he could actually rest.

Now, however, the reason behind such a drastic change in the Force was becoming clear. Obi-Wan had just called you from his short leave on Coruscant to report that Darth Maul was alive and slaughtering innocents in his name. He insisted on going alone, as Maul had ordered, to prevent more needless bloodshed.

An hour later Mace and Yoda contacted you, insisting that you secretly follow Obi-Wan in order to ensure his safety on his mission. You didn't appreciate being ordered to keep secrets from your husband, but you weren't going to argue against protecting him either.

So you took the smallest and fastest ship on The Gray to Raydonia where Maul made the call from. You landed far from the village in the coordinates and traveled the rest of the way on foot - cautious. It was unlikely that this was not some sort of trap, as even though Darth Maul seemed to be deranged, he was still highly intelligent and skilled enough to have killed a Jedi Master.

Closing your eyes, you reached out in the Force in search of Obi-Wan, finding him toward the center of the village ahead of you.

Is Master Obi-Wan going to be okay? Ahsoka sent through the bond. She was assisting a rebel cell on a solo mission but was actively being kept updated. She was also shielding from Obi-Wan, the smart girl she was, so she wouldn't distract him.

Master Obi-Wan is going to be just fine, he's defeated Maul before when he was just a Padawan, Anakin replied confidently from the front lines.

I'll make sure he makes it out okay, you assured, stepping foot in the village.

It was desolate, practically a ghost town. A small voice whispered in the back of your mind that it was empty because everyone who resided there was already dead. You pushed the thought away, not wanting to think of such things when your focus needed to be on the battle you knew was coming.

At the very center of the village was a fire large enough to illuminate several blocks. Smoke rose into the air and entered your lungs, clogging them and making it hard to breathe. And there, at the center of it all was Obi-Wan, Savage, and Maul. You were too late, and Savage knocked Obi-Wan unconscious as his lightsaber was taken.

You had to tread carefully. Maul had killed a Jedi master and Savage was strong and brutal enough to counteract any lack of experience he previously had. Going in, lightsaber alit would be a death sentence for you and Obi-Wan.

Something pinged at the back of your senses, a familiar presence in the Force growing closer. The only reason you took special notice of it was because it was a Dark presence, and there were few familiar ones that you could pinpoint like that.

"Ventress," you whispered, slipping back into the shadows and regretfully leaving Obi-Wan with Maul and Savage. Maul would want to torture Obi-Wan before he killed him, so you knew you had time. It was only a matter of how much time you had before Maul finally grew bored and enacted the final stage of his revenge.

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