🪐Chapter Twenty-Five🪐

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"Betrayal is the only truth that sticks"


Chapter Twenty-Five


Mando'a Translations

vod/vode - Brother/Brothers

Vode - Refers to the clones as a whole

Aliit - Clan/family

Othanian Translations

Vutojan - Platonic soulmate

Rowuk - Bitch/bastard

Kif - ass


Tapping your pointer finger against the table, you found yourself struggling to pay attention to Obi-Wan's words. Normally you'd be hanging on to everything he said, especially since it'd been nearly a month since you saw each other in person, but something was... off, and it was distracting.

Why did the Chancellor call Anakin away during such a crucial time? Especially when there were other Jedi on Coruscant who could guard him? Why had General Krell specifically been sent in when he had a terrible track record? How was this all connected?

"Cody also mentioned that communications with the 501st and Master Krell have been down due to enemy interference."

You perked up, "Communications are out entirely?"

"Yes, I'm afraid we haven't been able to send or receive any transmissions from them for quite some time. We are still distracted on our end and won't be able to travel to see what's going on for quite some time."

"I can check in on them," you offered, "We're currently waiting for an assignment and we aren't very far from Umbara. In any case, from past reports, it sounds like they could use the backup."

"It would be wonderful if you could check in with them. Something doesn't feel right about what's going on."

"Yes, I feel the same way. We'll arrive in a couple of hours and I'll report in once we figure out what's going on. May the Force be with you."

"And with you."

Ending the transmission you turned to Drifter, who was standing off to the side the entire time. Even if the conversation was more romantic and personal than simply catching up in regards to your most recent campaigns, he'd still be there. Your vutojan was more trustworthy than anyone else, as he'd proven time and time again.


"I'll inform the troops and send out orders to set course for Umbara," Drifter fell silent for a few moments, "Something is wrong."

"I know," you closed your eyes and reached out in the Force. None of the active-duty clones were Force-sensitive that you knew of - though there were one or two that you had suspicions about - but that didn't mean there weren't bonds you could use to check in on the, "I sense great suffering but I can't tell if it's just the campaign or something else."

Umbara was a planet stuck in constant darkness. The Umbarans had adapted early on to operate better in such conditions, but the clones and Jedi were not made for such things. The darkness and eerie atmosphere left you tense and uncomfortable, even with the comfort of your men around you. The Kanez and one other platoon were being sent down first to survey the area, and then other teams would be sent down as well if it was deemed necessary.

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