🪐Chapter Five🪐

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"I love you not only for what you are but for what I am when I am with you


Chapter Five


Slave's Language Translation

Joleu - Love you

Huttese Translation

Winkee - Sleep


Obi-Wan and Anakin had a complicated relationship.

Their mindsets concerning how to be Jedi clashed greatly and caused a lot of tension between them, which was quite interesting to you because Anakin was very similar to Obi-Wan when he was younger. Perhaps that was why Obi-Wan pushed Anakin so hard.

Luckily, through your strengthening training bond with Anakin, you could usually tell when things were reaching a fever pitch and would then quickly track them down and step in before damage was done to their relationship that couldn't be reversed.

After a while, you were resigned to thinking that regular arguments and constantly testing each other's boundaries was going to be the norm- both of them were certainly stubborn enough to keep up their bickering for the rest of their lives. But then Anakin had a nightmare, and despite how hard it hit him it still changed things for the better.

It was late one night, and you and Obi-Wan were discussing your upcoming mission to one of the Colony Worlds to act as a translator for a new trade agreement. Such diplomatic missions were always tedious work, but you preferred that over life-threatening situations because those always involved ridiculous amounts of paperwork after the fact.

"I read over a draft of the treaty and whilst overall it is fair, I believe that somewhere in there one of the planets-" you abruptly stopped talking when a wave of the Force washed through the apartment, "Anakin's having a nightmare."

"Yes," Obi-Wan ran a hand through his hair. He was growing it out and you were appreciative of the fact, "He has them on occasion."

"Does he come to you afterward?" Obi-Wan shook his head and you frowned in concern, "He has been with you for three months and he hasn't come to you yet?"

"I've been careful about what I say concerning physical contact and emotions, yet he still hasn't sought me out to at least discuss the contents of his nightmares. I assumed he went to you instead, but now I think the only person he confides in is his Mind Healer."

Another wave of the Force went through the apartment and you knew Anakin was awake. Through your training bond, you could feel a cautious but clumsy probing. Anakin was probably checking to see if you were asleep, either to draw comfort or make sure you were okay depending on the nightmare. In response, you sent back a feeling of serenity.

"Come on then," you took Obi-Wan and pulled him behind you to Anakin's room, "We'll do it together."

"Really, (Y/n), I believe that trying to comfort him will just-"

You shushed Obi-Wan, pressing the button next to Anakin's door to open it. He was sitting up in bed, his chin resting on his knees. He sat up straighter when he saw you, but seemed to shrink back slightly when he noticed Obi-Wan just behind you.

"A nightmare, Anakin?" You acted as though Obi-Wan wasn't there, sitting on the edge of the bed to the right of Anakin.


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