What You Missed🪐2

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"Come on! Catch up with the times!"


What You Missed


The Deserter

As far as you knew, you were the only one the 501st reported the clone deserter to. Rex specifically seemed conflicted about it - about his place as a soldier when he could simply leave and be free. You contacted Cody and left him to speak with his brother, as it wasn't your place.

What was your place, however, was dealing with the deserter. So in-between visits to wartorn planets you made your way to Saleucami with the necessary paperwork made up. Rex had given you the coordinates in his confidential report. You were honored that he trusted you so much, considering his past issues with non-Vode authority figures.

You landed your ship a good distance away from the small family's home in order to avoid sending them into a panic. The walk there was peaceful, as Saleucami was a beautiful planet full of nature and it was also relatively untouched by the war.

Soon the Lawquane property came into view, and you slipped between the wire fence. There was a tripwire along the path that you stepped over with ease, though it would have tricked anyone else into revealing themselves. The house looked as though it was still being repaired from the damage it suffered during Rex's time there.

You were mere feet away from the door when you heard a blaster hum from behind you. The Force hadn't warned you, which meant whoever was behind you wasn't a true threat.

"State your name and business here," A Ryloth accent rang out.

"My name is (Y/n) Pavond, I'm a Jedi Master. I've come seeking your husband."

"So you can arrest him and take him away from his family?" The gun jabbed between your shoulder blades.

"So I can make sure he doesn't have to hide anymore. In my bag, I have documents designating him as a legal sentient being."

The woman reached into your bag and quickly withdrew the documents, quickly scanning them over. It was silent for a long moment before the pressure of the gun left your back.

"Why would you do this? My husband refused to fight in your war and you reward him for it?"

"Things have changed since he left. Clones as a whole have not received rights, but there have been exceptions based on certain circumstances. I've stretched the rules a bit to allow this as an exception."

"... would you like to come inside?" The woman stepped around you, revealing herself as the pink Twi'Lek that Rex had said was Cut's wife.

"I would love to," you smiled following the woman inside and sitting in the dining chair she pointed to.

"I'm Suu. Allow me to go retrieve my husband and the children."

Nodding, you waited patiently while she went to get Cut. There were a few things that could use repair in the kitchen, and with little else to do you used the Force to shift a few things back into place.

"You are a Jedi then?" A familiar voice got your attention.

"I am," you stood and held out your hand for a traditional Mandalorian handshake, "My name is (Y/n) Pavond, has your wife explained why I'm here?"

"Briefly, though I'd like more of an explanation."

"Nearly a year ago I created a program in which clones that were considered "defective" by the Kaminoans were not decommissioned, but rather allowed to be adopted into various families around the galaxy. In order to do this, they were granted the status of a sentient being."

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