🪐Chapter Twenty-Four🪐

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"I do so admire your persistence. Ready to die?"


Chapter Twenty-Four


Mando'a Translations

vod/vode - Brother/Brothers

Vode - Refers to the clones as a whole

Adenn Cabur - Merciless Protector

Ni ceta - I'm sorry (lit. I kneel)

Vor entye - Thank you (lit. I accept a debt)

Othanian Translations

Nersh - Fuck


This was meant to be a discrete, recon mission only. As a result, you had only taken the Kanez with you. Although they often weren't the most discrete group, they could be stealthy when needed and were your best and most trusted team.

The planet was called Sorgan and was nestled among a nearly uninhabitable system in the Outer Rim. It was a forested swamp system and the only one in its system with breathable air. Its isolation and low population was why the Council believed Dooku's new apprentice was training there.

According to Chancellor Palpatine, clone intelligence had come in with reports from the locals about a "red laser sword" being used by a "mysterious person in black robes". After the disaster with Ventress and Savage, Dooku had yet to choose a new apprentice. The Council assumed he had found one and their presence on Sorgan was some sort of training excursion.

While normally more than one Jedi would be sent on this kind of mission, the Council first wished to see if the rumors were true before acting any further. If they were, then reinforcements would be sent to meet you in the atmosphere to face the new Darksider together.

"Landing gear deployed, ETA two minutes," Clik reported from the cockpit, "We've located a clearing near the sightings but far enough away to avoid detection."

Nodding to show you were listening, you pulled the hood of your Jedi robe over your head. Your men were in forest camouflage instead of their normal armor to further blend in a well.

The ship jostled slightly when it touched down but the landing was overall smooth. The door opened and Burner and Drifter were the first out to scan the area. They signed off an all clear and the rest of you filed out.

"The reports came from about ten klicks to the west. We should make it halfway by sundown and the rest of the way by midday tomorrow," you reported, eying the sun in the sky.

The trek through the forest was strenuous but not necessarily difficult. You were more used to barren battlefields than lush forests at this point, and while your men had trained for any situation they were much the same. Still, just as you thought, all of you made it to the halfway point by the time the sun was low in the sky.

You wanted to give your men the chance to hunt for some food instead of depending on ration bars, so you offered to set up camp while they were out hunting. They came back when the sun was fully set with enough wild game to make a passable stew. You allowed the men to have the entire pot while you simply ate a ration bar. They argued, but you assured them that since they caught the game they deserved to eat it.

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