🪐Chapter Three🪐

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"Death is not the opposite of life but a part of it"


Chapter Three


The next day you met with Obi-Wan in the Room of Waterfalls again. He was sitting under near the fall Bruck fell off, which meant it was a bad day and he was extremely upset. Just like the day before you sat next to him silently, but this time you waited for him to speak first.

"Master has decided I'm ready to take my Trials."

"Obi-Wan that's amazing! That means we can be Knights together! With your negotiation skills and my linguistics knowledge we could get sent on tons of missions together..." you trailed off when you noticed that Obi-Wan wasn't becoming happier, "There's something more to it, isn't there?"

"The Council refused to allow Anakin to train as a Jedi, so my Master offered to take him as his Padawan."

"But he already has you as his Padawan... which means that he suggested you for the Trials so he could take on Anakin."

Your stomach sank when Obi-Wan nodded. Master Qui-Gon was a great man and an even better Jedi, but he had been an awful Master for Obi-Wan. Master Yoda pushed them together to help Qui-Gon heal, disregarding how much pressure that put on Obi-Wan. That also meant their relationship started very strained with many mistakes on both sides. They were much better now, but the damage was done.

"Master hasn't even mentioned the Trials to me before this! I wouldn't have had to prepare for a year, but some notice would have been nice. The way he announced it denounced me in front of the entire Council, and I was forced to stand there and act like I knew what was happening. All of them were looking at me like they knew what was going on."

"That's awful, Obi-Wan. He shouldn't have broached the subject that way," you put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"On top of that, the Council is sending us back to Naboo tonight as well because the Queen is returning."

"She is? Does she not realize how dangerous that is?"

"I'm afraid she's desperate enough that she doesn't care. She wants to help her people no matter what... there's something else. I was unsure whether or not I should tell you until the Council came to a conclusion, but you've been on many research missions with Master Plo about the Dark Side."


"On Tatooine, we encountered a Zabrak with a red lightsaber. He used it very well, had formal training. Master believes him to be a Sith."

Your breath was knocked out of your lungs. There hadn't been any Sith for centuries. Darksiders had come and gone like Xanatos, but no Sith. Recently, the Dark Side of the Force had become more powerful, but you had chalked that up to your own stress and need for more meditation. It seemed like the entire Force was feeling the effects of the Sith's return, however, not just you.

"And you?"

"Darkness ebbed off him in waves. He was so angry and hateful. The Council believes that if the Queen returns to Naboo then he will as well. They wish for me and Master to confront him and bring him back for questioning."

"I doubt it will be that easy."

"As do I," Obi-Wan sighed, "All of this has been overwhelming."

"I'm sure. But you'll get through it Obi-Wan, you always do. I'll always be here to help as well, you know that," you moved a bit closer to him, ducking under his arm when he wrapped it around your shoulders.

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