🪐Chapter Four🪐

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"Freedom, in any case, is only possible by constantly struggling for it"


Chapter Four


Othanian Translations

Ejo - Mom

Gysk - Dad

Kishes - Thanks (informal)

Zyfa hewul niuytfad ly juhnukip - May your journey be fruitful (a way of saying good luck)

Luytrec - Goodbye

Tojen- Sister

Miolka - Greetings (informal form of 'busha miolka)

Ursbi - gender-neutral form of endearment from parents to children

Huettese Translations

Achuta - Hello

Kavaa hopa chuba? - Can I help you?

Dobra stuta Watto - I'm looking for Watto

Wanga Juca - One moment

Myo bukee - My child

Soong eniki - It's okay

Hees hat mu, an he mus chuba - He is very loved and he loves you


In a galaxy full of unique beings, Anakin Skywalker was a very unique being.

The first two weeks of his apprenticeship under you were focused on his own personal healing and catching him up with his studies. Shmi Skywalker had done her very best with him, but you were sure that her education wasn't the best in the first place which carried on and affected Anakin.

There were several hurdles that the two of you had to face during the first couple of weeks of his tutelage under you.

Anakin had trouble focusing on schoolwork without some sort of stimulus, so you tracked down different droid pieces waiting to be repaired that he could fiddle with whilst studying. It worked wonders and his work ethic drastically improved after that.

Because of Anakin's constant need to be doing something, standard meditation was very difficult for him. That sent you to the archives, where you researched different forms of meditation. This is when you came upon something called Iyengar yoga- similar to katas but much slower. This also helped him improve. He was still moving, which allowed him to focus, but the slow methodical movements imitated the effects of meditation.

At night, Anakin sometimes had nightmares. Often they were about the life left behind, but on occasion, they were about stressors in his new life as a Padawan. His Force presence was strong enough that you normally woke up when he did. Like clockwork, he always appeared in your room a minute after waking up, seeking out comfort that you were ready to give.

After the first two weeks, the two of you formed a steady routine and followed it closely. Breakfast, studies, lunch, meditation, dinner, and something fun before bed. That usually consisted of the two of you indulging in holodramas or going on adventures around the Temple to subtly teach Anakin the layout.

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