🪐Chapter Twenty🪐

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"Time waits for no one"


Chapter Twenty


Mando'a Translations

vod/vode - Brother/Brothers

Vode - Refers to the clones as a whole

Ad/ad'ika - Child

Adenn Cabur - Merciless Protector

Ashnar entye - Someone has a debt

Gar buir - Your parent?

Gar serim - Yes, you're right

Or'ilor - Midday/lunch

Me'vaar ti gar - How are you? (lit. what's new with you?)

Naas - I'm fine (lit. nothing)

Jettii - Jedi

K'olar - Come here!

Ret'urcye mhi - Maybe we'll meet again

Othanian Translations

Nersh - Fuck


The Council was sending Vode children to take a tour of your cruiser today.

The Council was trusting you with impressionable children.

You were sure this was all a ploy to get you to take a Padawan, but you couldn't bring yourself to care as a squad of Vod'ika stepped onto your ship guided by one of the Kamino guards.

"Hello," you greeted all of them warmly, "I'm Jedi Master (Y/n) Pavond or General. Any variation of those titles will do just fine. I'd like to welcome you all to The Gray. Today I'll personally be showing you how a Jedi Cruiser operates."

The cadets burst into excited whispers at that, and you caught several Adenn Caburs being passed around before the Kamino Guard shushed them.

"First and foremost, however, I believe all of you have some introductions to make. If you haven't discovered your name that's just fine, or if you'd like to keep it private that's okay as well."

The group fell silent, each too nervous to speak up. Despite your reputation as The Merciless Protector of the clones and their rights as sentient beings, that didn't mean that the ingrained fear from the Kaminoans left as soon as they saw you.

"Impact, General," the Kamino Guard spoke first, ending his introduction with a salute.

Bolstered by their escort's statement, the cadets seemed much more confident and one of them soon spoke up.

"I'm Jax, General."

"Hotshot, Ser."

"I go by Whip, General."

"I'm Lucky, Master Pavond," your eyes met Lucky's, and you raised a brow at the strange feeling you received from him. It wasn't good nor bad, but it was very determined, and not in the same way as the other cadets.

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